35 // Whirlwind

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Things could not be more awkward. I think we had both underestimated this moment. So much had changed in such a short span of time, leaving us both uncertain about where we stood.

I felt like a complete stranger in my own aunt's home, the couch felt as though it was laden with bricks, it was so uncomfortable.

My chest was so tight, I swore it was going to rupture. I tried to act normal, but I couldn't stop my sweaty fingers from gripping the edge of the couch while I continuously tapped my foot on the tiled floor.

Sy joined me in the sitting room after locking the doors and sat next to me on the couch, leaving space between us. But that still did not stop me from shifting farther away from him even though there was no space on my other side.

"If I knew things were going to be like this... I wish we could go back to the first day we met and just lay everything on the table."

The thickness and roughness of his voice spoke to every part of me, it filled my chest with warmth, and for the first time since I arrived, I dared to steal a glance at him; and the way his golden eyes were staring at me almost knocked all the air from my lungs.

Was it possible for a person to grow more handsome and sexier in a few days, or was it my longing speaking? His hair was braided in cornrows that met into a small ponytail on the back of his head. He was wearing a black and brown scotched shirt with black jeans and combat boots. There was nothing about him that said he had been through a traumatic experience.

Sy flashed me that boyish smile, and I quickly averted my gaze and faced the TV. "How did you get in here?"

He heaved a sigh and leaned back on the couch. "Your mother let me in. I'm sorry about your aunt."

I shifted and folded my legs on the couch, and faced him with my head rested on the backrest. "My aunt did not die from collapsing," I said after a while.

"I know."

"Then you must know who killed her."

He cleared his throat and shifted uncomfortably. "Yvonne, listen-"

"Your father killed my aunt. I saw him with my own eyes. My aunt and I went to the village, and she saw something. That I'm sure of. If we can go there now, we can find that woman, she can testify to this."


"I don't know why my father is not doing anything about it. Here-" I grabbed the file off the coffee table. "They know everything. Your father was living under a different name, they were keeping track of him all these years until three years ago. Look-"

Silas' face changed, and the next thing, the file flew out of my hand and hit the TV. "Yvonne, my father is dead! He is dead, okay? He is dead!"

I don't understand why my heart felt like it was split in half and being stitched back together by a thousand needles without any anaesthetic.

He seemed torn by his father's death compared to earlier this year when he spoke about it with relief. He knew his father was dead all along, but had been living as a vampire. Sy has been in hiding from his dad, why was he suddenly in grief?

"I know everything I told you back then, but there's still so much you don't know, and I don't even know where to begin," he said with a heavy sigh, his shoulders slumping as he sat back. "For the longest time now I've felt like there was something missing in my life, and I couldn't figure out what it was. When I met you, I kinda felt complete, like you were the piece I was missing. Everything was fine, and I was happy for a while. But after the encounter I had with Gift, it triggered something in me."

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