Welcome to the World of Hatred & Violence

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I don't plan to make this chapter a long on, so just a heads up.

APRIL 2008

I waddled down the stairs to get to the house everyone was sleeping in. Ever since the fight Nikki and I had, I moved my shit into the guest house and slept in the bedroom upstairs, making it a routine to waddle up and down the stairs. Hunter, my Australian Shepard puppy, followed me, but would stop for his bathroom breaks. "Mom, what's wrong?" Ash asks, standing up from the patio chair. "Nothing. I needed to walk. Where's everyone?" I ask, looking at the number of cars in the driveway and the number of people outside. "They're inside. I didn't want to be in there." "Why not?" I sit with him. "They're too loud. Uncle Vince and Uncle Tommy are drunk already." He says, rolling his eyes. "Wanna come and lay on the couch with me? Go get whatever you need or want then just come in. Ask your brothers and sisters, too." I say, standing up. "Okay, I'll be back." He runs in. I smile, walking away. A car pulls up and a girl about 5'6 comes out. This is the replacement. "Hi, I'm Amanda. This is the Sixx residence, correct?" She asks, extending out a hand. "Yeah, I'm Abigail. Who are you here for? I'll try to locate them for you." I say, shaking her hand. "Oh my god. You're Gunner's mom. You're so gorgeous. He's brought in pictures of his family before and he's pointed you out and told us how great you are. You bleached your hair again?" She says, smiling hugely. "Yeah, I did. I'm assuming you're here for Gunner." I say, smiling back. "Yeah, I'm sorry. You have to be like, at the oldest, 27, right?" She asks. "Nope. I'll be hitting 50 in October." I say, finally realizing I'm old. Ugh, that sucks. "You're lying!" She exclaims. "No, I'm telling the truth. I was born October 20th, 1958." "Holy crap. I want to look as young as you when I'm that age. Gunner, she can't be that old! Tell me she's lying!" I turn around and Gunner is bright red. Aw, I found his girlfriend before he did. "No, she's really 49. Mom, Ash is at the house. If it's okay with you, Amanda and I were going to be there with you." He says. "No, that's fine. I was thinking of watching movies until we fell asleep. I have an assload of snacks. Excuse my language." I say, turning to Amanda. "No, it's fine. My Aunt has the mouth of a sailor. I'm used to it." She laughs.

Titanic was the movie we fell asleep to. I got off the couch and picked up Ash's head from the popcorn bowl. Gunner and Amanda lay on the floor, Gunner as far away from Amanda as possible. I quietly laugh. I look out the window to check on the other house and see the lights still on. "Back to his old ways, I see..." I sigh, roll my eyes, and close the blinds. I grab my small purse, my keys, and head out the door. I walk towards the beach, only to feel really wet a few minutes later. "Are you fucking serious?" I mutter, looking down at myself. Where I was standing was a puddle of liquid. It was not pee, so you'd have to know that my water broke. I walk back to the house and try to wake the boys. Gunner wakes up on the second shake. "What's wrong?" He asks, frantic. "My water broke. Can you drive me to the hospital?" I ask, quietly. "Oh my god. Yeah, come on. Amanda, Ash, get up!" He yells, jumping up. "You could've let them sleep." I say, grabbing the baby bag from the front door. "And let them miss the birth of the twins, I think not!" He says, running to the house, screaming. I walk outside, calmly, and wait for him by his car. He comes out with his keys in hand and kids following. Ash, Teagon, and Frankie get in the back of Gunner's car while I get in the passenger and he speeds off. "Gunner, slow down." I say. "You aren't panicking?!" He asks, panicking. "No, this is my fourth birth. I'm fine. You need to stay calm." I say, breathing.

The car ride was crazy and Gunner telling the nurses I was in labor was crazy. He carried me in, screaming, "My mom is having her babies! Someone help!" While I sat there, looking around. I apologized after someone had me though. They rolled me into a room, stuck me with tubes, and finally I was dilated enough that I was ready to have my boys. I pushed into a delivery room with two nurses, a doctor, Gunner, and Nikki. After pushing for so long, the first boy, weighing in at 6 lbs and 2 oz., was born. Nikki cut his umbilical cord and he was cleaned and put in the cart. His cries filled the room. "He's got a strong pair of lungs." The nurse says, chuckling. "Okay, there's only one more left, Abigail." The doctor says. I push and push until the brother's screams are met with his twin. "6 lbs. even." The nurse says, cleaning him more. I was exhausted. "Alright, Momma, what are the names?" The nurse asks. "This one," I say, pointing to the older one," is Cameron Blake. The younger one is Hanley Chance." I say, reaching for Hanley. "Alright, I'll be back to check up on them and everything. "Oh, my sweet babies. Look, Gunner." I say, angling him so his brother can see. "Welcome to the world of deceit, little brothers." He says, taking Cameron from Nikki and shooting him a glare.

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