Unexpected Visitors

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The October breeze blew in through the open windows while I cleaned. I had kept my mind occupied with insane cleaning and gardening for the last month. I was working from home to save up for a ranch. I only needed $2,000 more until I could buy it. I didn't want Nikki to know. It was sorta a surprise for him as a 52nd birthday present. It's a way for him to remember his grandparents. But, Nikki's gone for tour. He won't be home anytime soon. Mötley's touring with Kiss for the remainder of this year and the beginning of the next. He Skype's us everyday and calls to make sure we're doing okay. Our relationship has been getting better and we've gotten some advice from Vince when his Skyler died. Cameron's death has been really hard on us and it's been only a mon- "We miss you, why don't you come home?" I hear somebody say. What the hell? Hanley's down for his nap, I think. I tiptoe through the mopped tiled floor to the stairs and quickly walk them. I get to Hanley's room he shared with Cameron and find him sitting in the middle of the floor, holding out his hand. "Momma and Daddy misses you so much." He says, sniffling. I walk into the room and lean against the wall, watching. I don't want to interrupt because I feel as if I'm really seeing Hanley talk to Cameron. My body feels cold and my eyes cloud with tears. "Daddy went on tour. He didn't leave because he wanted to. He left because he had to. He cries for you. He and Momma skype after we're all in bed and they cry about you all the time. They have nightmares of not saving you. Cameron, why can't you see that this is hurting them as much as it's hurting you?" Hanley was getting angry. I was about to step in when he stood up and sat at the small table. "This is what Daddy drew. He sat at the table in one of the chairs and drew this for us before tour. They don't know you're here, only I can see you. But, if you're going to be mean to me, I don't want to see you either." He says, getting up to leave. "Momma!" He yelps. "Hey, honey, come make cookies with me." I say, taking his hand. He just nods, keeping his head down.


It was now 3 PM and the kids were scattered around the house, doing homework. I was cooking our usual after school food while I was on the phone with Haley. She calls me for any baby advice since she's had Jason, her one month old son with Kyle. "He never gives me any attention anymore. What does that mean?" She asks in a whiny tone. "Well, give me an example of what he does." I say, stirring the pot of vegetables. "It's always about the baby. 'Haley, you'll wake the baby.' 'Hal, the baby needs us.' It's so annoying." She says in annoyance. The strong eye roll must run in the family. "The baby is important. He needs a lot of attention. You'll need to give that up for a while. You'll need to give up your own attention for a while. Did you really think having a baby would be easy?" I ask, chewing on some celery and dipping it into ranch. "Well, yeah. You make it seem so easy! I thought I could do it, too. I thought it was the Cobb touch." She says. "I raised you, Haley. You'd cry all the time. Our older brother would be the main focus for our parents and then Mom got pregnant with our little brother, so they had another focus. I raised you. It isn't like I had Juniper and BAM! I suddenly know how to care for a baby." I say. "I wish I had help. Kyle doesn't know what to do either." She sighs. "How about you plan a trip here? When Jason's a bit older?" I suggest, turning off the stove. "That'd be okay?" She asks. I know she's referring to the accident. I sigh and shake my head though I reply with, "Yeah, it'll be fine. You're always welcomed." She gently laughs. "Thanks, Abby. So, I've seen Nikki's with Kiss. Kyle loves Kiss!" She says. "Yeah, he'll be gone for a while." I sigh. "Mom, Dad's calling!" Storm yells from the family room. "Shit. Alright, I'll be there in a minute." I say away from the phone. "Nikki?" Haley asks. "Yeah, he's Skyping us now before he goes for probably an interview." I laugh. Then, the doorbell rings. "What the hell? Hal, I'll call you back sometime, okay?" I say, running into the family room to quickly say hi to Nikki.

"Alright, I'll talk to you later. Night, big sis." she says, hanging up. I put the phone down and quickly make my way to the front door. "Hello?" I ask, opening the door. "Hi, is this the Sixx residence?" A man about Nikki's height stood on the other side. He had blue eyes and blonde hair, hair that reminded me of my mother's. That was something rather rare. "Uh, hi. How can I help you?" I ask, cautiously. "Are you part of Mr. Sixx's family?" He asks, pulling his hand out to shake. "Yeah, I'm his fiancée, Abigail. You are?" I ask. "I'm Michael McBrown, a big fan of Mötley Crüe." He says with a huge smile. That name made my heart race. "How did you find this house?" I ask, anxious to get him away from here. "My mother, Mary, found it. She's in the car." he explains. "Mary?" I whisper. My heart had stopped in my chest. "Yeah? You know my mom?" He asks. "Why don't you come inside? Bring in your mom." I say, opening the door wider. He goes to his car for a few minutes then comes back with a woman who looks nothing, but also looks very similar to my mother. This woman had a cane and had very well aged. "Mom, this is Nikki Sixx's fiancée, Abigail. Abigail, this is my mom, Mary." Michael says, helping her up the three steps to the front door. "Welcome, Mary." I say. "Thank you, Abigail." She says, finally looking up at me. Looking at her made my stomach turn. She had a long scar across her face, but the smile she wore brought back the memories.


"Momma, where did Daddy go? He hasn't been home in a while." Matthew, the eldest, had asked, his southern accent coming out thick. "I don't know. We'll wait and see. Come on, dinner's ready." Mother said. I was five at the time and hadn't known my dad very well since my birth. If I could remember correctly, from the time I was two till now, I had seen him a total equivalent to a month, specifically February. Matthew placed the folding table out in front of me and placed the TV dinner in front of me. He gave me a small smile when I thanked him and ate his own food. That was every night. Mother grew ill and no one could help her. Daddy came home with a boy after 12 years and told me to take him to my room until he got what he came for. We talked. His name was Daniel and he was a twin. He was my age and loved Brazilian Jui Jitsu. I asked what it was and he explained. Then I asked what my dad meant and he grew silent. I pressed harder until he gave up. He told me my father had tried to sell me, my services. I was 17 years old! I had no friends except for Matthew and the new sisters, Haley. Haley and the baby Mother was pregnant with was Father's. They were someone else's and I was glad. This man would sneak us off to go vacation somewhere for a few days, he made my Mother happy, he made us happy. Then my father found out, raped me, and sold me.

~Flashback Over~

My last name wasn't actually Cobb, it was Kent. My father was Steven Kent and I lied to everyone. Only Nikki knew of my real past, he held me tight while I cried. I had told him the second year I knew him. The man who drove us off the cliff that day I was sold to David was my Mother's boyfriend, Robert, the man I wish was my father. Haley's and Michael's father, but not mine. He had raised us all. They came inside while I offered them drinks. They declined and sat on the couch. "I'll be back." I say, hoping Nikki was still Skyping with the kids. "Mom, what the hell? Dad's pissed." Storm says, doing her math homework. "What? Why? What happened?" I ask. "You didn't say hello." She glared at me. "I did say hello. We had people at the door, Haley was on the phone, I'm cooking. Fuck! I was cooking!" I yell, running to the kitchen. I stop dead in my track when I see June in the kitchen. "Hey, Mom. You can't leave these unattended, you know." She says, smirking. "Jesus Christ, June, why aren't you in school?" I ask, hugging her. "Because it's a holiday." Someone says behind me. That voice. That sweet, sweet voice. My Nikki's voice. I turn around and see him standing with Gunner, a bouquet of red roses in his hand. "Nikki!" I scream, running and jumping on him. I hear laughing, a few snapping of cameras, but I'm too caught up to care. I have my half, my better half. My one and only right by my side again, at least for a little. "Abigail, who is this?" The woman's voice asks. Mary's voice.

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