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"Another, please." I say to the bartender. Mick, Vince, Nikki, and Tommy sat at a table with shots and beers in their hands, laughing. The bartender hands me a beer and I weave my way back to the table. "So, what's new with you, Abby?" Vince asks. I shrug and take a drink. "Come on. We've been on your for three months and you're telling us nothing new has happened?" He asks. "David and I keep trying for that baby. It isn't working. I'm tired of it. It's become a routine again." I say, picking off a piece of my bleached blonde hair off of my black leather skirt. "At least you're getting some." Mick says, slapping my back. "You're in a band! You have got to be getting more variety than what I have." I say, astonished.

Yes, this is normal for me. They tell me the stories they remember and I tell them mine. We all compare who gets laid more and I am, by far, the lowest of the list. Sure, guys flirt with me a lot but I'm not interested. I'm interested in somebody else. I've had my eye on them for quite a while. I'm ballsy but this is something I will never do, tell them I'm in love with them.

"You guys can't adopted?" Tommy asks, changing the subject. "His parents and him want it to be ours, not somebody else's. I was all for it. They aren't." I roll my eyes. "Speaking of them, how'd you get away tonight?" Vince asks with a suspicious look on his face. I laugh and say, "I told him I was working late and that one of my coworkers invited me over to work on a project and have dinner." "Such a bad girl." Mick says and causes us to laugh. I notice Nikki's been quiet and I nudge his shoulder. "Hey, what's going on? You okay?" I whisper, not wanting him to feel singled out. He looks at me, smiles a small smile, and nods. "Nikki, you can trust me. You know that I'd never tell anybody anything you didn't want me to." I say, keeping his eyes. "I'm worried about you. We all are." He says, looking up at the guys. "Oh. Nik, I'm a big girl. You don't need to worry. None of you guys should be worried about me." I say, smiling. "He has you on such a tight leash that we-" "I'm fine. Nothing to worry about." I cut off Mick. They nod and start to talk about something when I see him. "Shit. Hide me." I say, crouching behind Nikki's chair. They look at the entrance and see David. Nikki takes off his leather jacket, puts it on me, and, with our height difference, guides me to the bathrooms away from the entrance.

He pushes me towards one of the girls' bathroom stalls and gets in with me. Inside the small stall, we talk in a whisper. "Are you okay?" He asks. I nod and the movement causes me to stumble backwards. The back of my legs find the toilet and I start to fall backwards. Nikki's arms wrap around me waist and pull me towards him. "Thank you. I owe you and the guys a big one." I say, hugging him. "No need." He says then I feel him kiss the top of my head. I smile and poke his cheek while we wait.

He lightly taps his fingers against my waist in a rhythm. I start to giggle as his other hand starts to tap. It begins to tickle. "Why are you laughing?" He asks, looking down at me. "You're tickling me." I say, looking at him and laughing some more. "So this makes you laugh?" He asks, tickling me some more. "Ni-Nikki, s-sto-stop." I say in between laughs. "I won't. It makes you laugh. Your laugh is contagious." He says as he laughs. I open my mouth to respond but we hear the bathroom door open then close. "Hello? Is there a woman in here with blonde hair? A man, your husband, is asking for you." We hear a lady ask. I look through the crack between the door and stall wall and watch her. "My husband? He usually works this late. I'll go see him. Thank you, ma'am." Somebody else says. "Okay. You're welcome." The clicking of heels leavings.

I exhale a large amount of air and smile. "See? We got away." Nikki says, tapping again. I start laughing which causes him to laugh. "Let's go." I say, trying for the stall door. "Uh, Nikki, can you help me?" I ask, jiggling the lock. He tries too, but gives up after a little bit. I sigh. "I'm going to crawl under." I say. I sink to the floor, glance up at Nikki, and crawl under. "Come on. We gotta go!" I say. "Uh...yeah. I'm coming." He says, hesitantly. He crawls under, stands up, and I grab his hand. We walk out and I'm attacked. "What the fuck?" Nikki shouts, blocking me from David. Vince and Tommy help me up while Mick stops Nikki from attacking him. "That bitch lied! She lied!" David yells, pushing past Nikki and charging for me.

Nikki grabs me and pushes me against a wall while David punches him in the back. Vince, Mick, and Tommy deal with David's friends. I watch Nikki's face cringe with every hit, horrified. "N-Nikki, I'm sorry." I say, duck under his arm, and get in front of him. "Abby, move!!" Nikki shouts right as David lands the blow hard in my chest. I gasp for air and receive another blow to the face. I fall to the ground and groan in pain.

"What the hell is going on out here?!" A man asks, outraged. There's yelling and cheering. The guys come to my side as Nikki and David are separated. "Abby, are you okay?" Someone asks. My head feels weird.

I take one big gulp of air before I lose sight. I feel my breathing get shallow and soon I've been dragged to an emptiness.

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