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Our TV appearance is supposed to be a huge hit. You know, 'Mötley Crüe's bassist has DNA test done for all eight of his children.' Yeah, that's a great highlight. We're all very pissed off about it. But, after this is all done, Nikki and I are going on our honeymoon. He has a place picked that I'm not allowed to know where. But, we're here in Connecticut to get this stupid show out of the way and get the honeymoon in our sights. "Alright, kids, no dirty looks or she'll accuse you of something. Gunner, thank you for coming. I know how you feel about this. But, thank you." I say and kiss his cheek. "You're welcome, Mom. I'm only here for you and Dad." He says. We walk in and I'm brought to the from to be interviewed first.

"So, this is Abigail from California. Why are you here, Abigail?" Maury asks. "I'm only here because my daughter is accusing me of cheating on my husband and saying that she and her siblings aren't his." I explain. "Oh, which daughter would this be?" He asks. "She's the oldest, Juniper." I reply. "But, you have four step-kids, right?" He asks. I nod. "Why don't we bring out your husband and your oldest stepson." Nikki and Gunner sit by me. "Calm down, Abby. You're doing good." Nikki says, holding my hand. I smile. "So, you're Nikki Sixx? You're the husband. Okay, and you're Gunner. What can you say about Abby?" Maury says. "Mom, my mom is the best. I don't call her Abby or Abigail. I call her Mom because that's what she is to me and my brothers and sisters. She raised me and she's taken good care of me. She's loved me and supported me. She's done the same to every single one of the people living under our roof. We currently have her brother, our Uncle Michael, living with us and she's supporting his dreams, saying he can do anything he wants if he can put his mind to it. She's currently helping him in a project. This woman is my mom, not the woman who left me when I was a few years old." Gunner says, hugging me. "Nikki, what can you say about her?" Maury asks. "Well, Gunner's pretty much said a lot. She isn't my mom, but she's my wife. She's given me a lot of chances after I've screwed up. Yeah, we've all been through some f'd up things, but you have no idea what she's been through. She took in my kids when they didn't have a mom and I think that's pretty great. Yeah, she left a lot when she was younger with some guys. But, she was looking for someone she could be with. She thought they were the ones and they never were. But, she found her way back home." He says. "That is complete bull crap!" June shouts.

"Abigail never, ever thought about us. It was always about herself!" She yells. "So, I'm just Abigail now?" I ask, hurt. "You aren't my mother. You never were." She says, a dead look in her eyes. "Then, why were we brought here? So, you can yell and scream about how we weren't good enough parents? How we made you work for the things we gave you? Just so you know, everybody else in the house was treated the same way and still is." I say, calmly. "I have the results." Maury says. "Great, because I'd love to leave." I say. "Well, when it comes to all the kids, Nikki, you are the father." Maury says. "Thank you. I should've known." Nikki says, shaking Maury's hand and guiding us to the door. "Ready to leave, kids?" I ask.


Nikki rented out a fucking island for our honeymoon. An island! I taught him how to kayak, we boated, hiked, slept, fucked, swam, and went shopping for some things for the kids on the mainland. After five days, we came back to a messy house and an extreme surprise.

We were eating dinner after getting the house clean when Leica started barking. "What is it, boy?" I ask, looking out the window. It was pouring and I could barely make out the silhouette of a girl walking to our doorstep. I open the door and see Ashtyn's girlfriend, Katherine Diego, wrapped in a blanket with her braided, blonde hair hanging over her face. "Hey, sweetie. What are you doing in the rain?" I ask, letting her in. "Nikki, get me some towels, please!" I shout from the foyer. "Okay, hold on." And within a moment I have a few towels at my side. "Hey, Katherine. What's wrong?" Nikki asks. She still hasn't said a word. "Let's get you dried up, changed, and if you're hungry, we have dinner ready. Ash is out with his brothers." I say. "Of course he is." She mumbles. "What's wrong?" I ask again. "I'll leave you alone." Nikki says, giving me a look. "No. Come back. I have to tell you something. Ashtyn's been avoiding me since January. He said he never wanted to see me again. I don't know what to do." She says, shivering. "Hold on. We'll help you after you're in some dry clothes. What size do you wear? We might have some old clothes that's your size." I say, going through Storm's clothes. "I need something big. Really big. Please." She says, looking at the floor. "Oh, okay. Um, June had some big sweaters, right?" I ask Nikki. "Yeah, I'll get them." He says, laughing at my face I made at him. It made Katherine laugh, too. "He always picks on me for being short. You'd think he'd leave me alone about it after all these years. The boys pick on me, too." I say, grabbing some cotton shorts for her. "Here you go. I'll be outside if you need me." I say. She grabs my wrist and drops her blanket. "Oh my god. Nikki!!" I yell.

With him at my side, we stare at her stomach. "You're pregnant? Oh my god. It's Ashtyn's." And right then is when we hear the boys laughing. "Ashtyn London Sixx!" I yell. "Oh, crap. You're in trouble." Gunner teases him. If only you knew. "Yeah, Mom, what is it? Where are yo- Oh. Why is she here?" He asks. "Oh, I don't know, Ashtyn. Maybe because you knocked her up!" I say. "I did what? There is no way I di- Oh, yes, there is. Oh god. I can't be a father. You have to get an abortion." He says. "She isn't getting an abortion. I can already tell that isn't what she wants. What do you want, Katherine?" I say. "I-I want to keep him." She says. "Okay, Ashtyn, there you have it. She doesn't want an abortion." I say. "My parents kicked me out." She says, looking at the floor again. "Mom, give us a moment." Ashtyn says, stepping in and sitting her down. We step out and greet the boys. "What was the about?" Gunner asks. "You'll see." Nikki says. I lay my head on the counter and groan.


Later, we were in the family room, watching movies. Everybody had taken the pregnancy shocked pretty well. Katherine is sleeping in Ashtyn's room. There's pretty much no way to prevent them from doing what they already did. Nikki's talking to him now. She's told me she's five months along. "You'll be a grandma." She says. "Yeah, I will be."

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