Everything's Out In The Open

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It was a Friday morning Genie was working hard at the law firm she was in her office reading up on her prosecutor when all of a sudden she gets a call from Jordan.

"Hello Lover"

"Hey Honey B how are you?"

"I'm fine Jordy has just been working hard on my case you know"

"Yeah I know I haven't heard from you these last couple of days and I've missed you a lot"

"Aww I missed you too dimples"

"Hehe, so I was wondering will you have dinner with me tonight?"

"Well, that depends am I cooking or are you buying?"

"My treat"

"Alrighty then let's eat"

"Cool I'll pick you up at 7:00 pm"

"See ya later J"

"Bye baby"

*Genie ends call*

As Genie and Jordan anticipate seeing each other they both get inside their thoughts.

Genie's POV
Time is moving so slowly I need to get home and get ready to go out with Jordan I wonder what he's going to wear? To be honest it doesn't matter what he wears because, at the end of the day, he still going to look fine.

As Genie nods her head

Jordan's POV
As I keep checking the time trying to contain my patience but it's getting hard I stop thinking about Genie I wonder what she's going to wear I like her sense of style she always dressed like a hippie from the 60s it's cause she's just a unique person that's one of my favorite things about her is her uniqueness.

It was 5:00 pm EST Genie was on her way to her condo and Jordan was on his way home from being out and about. While getting ready Evelyn (Jordan's wife) asked him are you going somewhere special? Jordan laughs and says I just was invited to dinner with the people from my record company to talk about my new album and stuff. Oh ok well have a good meeting Bring me back some good news Evelyn replied. As she walks out of the room Jordan takes a deep breath as he fixes his hair grabs his car keys and walks out the door. When he arrives at Genie's place he hunks his horn and gets out of the car to open up her door for her When Genie comes outside Jordan is stunned by her beauty and essence Jordan, Jordan Genie says trying to get Jordan's attention. As he snaps back to reality huh? Genie giggles and says are you alright? Yeah, I'm okay it's just tu es vraiment jolie Jordan replied Merci said Genie as she kissed him on the cheek. As they get into the car and drive off when they arrive at the restaurant the waiter takes one look at Genie and says wow you got some beautiful green eyes Miss, thank you Genie says in a nervous voice putting her hair behind her ear. Jordan rolls his eyes in an irritated way as he pulls Genie closer to him as they walk towards their table. As they sat down Jordan noticed the waiter staring at Genie as he took him to the side and talked to him what's your name? Jimmy the waiter replied, well Jimmy I'm going to say this once if you value your tips and your teeth then keep your eyes off my lady says Jordan. I'm sorry sir I didn't mean anything by it said Jimmy (the waiter), your apology is accepted now go back there and bring me a bottle of your best champagne Jordan replied. As the waiter walks off Jordan goes back to his table with Genie. Is everything alright? Asked Genie yes everything is fine Jordan replied, so tell me where did you learn French from? Genie asked you Jordan replied both Jordan and Genie burst into laughter the waiter came back with the champagne and filled up Jordan and Genie's glass. Both Jordan and Genie order lobster tails for dinner Jordan slides his hand over to Genie's hand and holds it Genie looks down at Jordan holding her hand she smiles at him he smiles back showing off his dimples. Have you ever thought about what's going to happen to us when you're case is done? Said Jordan no I haven't to be honest Genie replied as she saw the disappointment on Jordan's face she put her hand on his cheeks and raised his face up to her and she said let's not worry about the future let's live in the president Jordan nods his and says your right as he presses his forehead against her's. As they both give each other a light kiss on the lips Genie pulls Jordan's chair next to her when the waiter brings out their food

 As they both give each other a light kiss on the lips Genie pulls Jordan's chair next to her when the waiter brings out their food

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As they eat and enjoy their food Jordan asks Genie what would like for dessert. As she looks Jordan up and down with lust in her eyes she licks and kisses his neck and says you Jordan shouts out the check, please! Genie burst into laughter Jordan laughed along with her Genie asked Jordan for the keys to his car so she could get her wallet she left in the car Jordan handed her over the keys and said babe can you grab my phone while you're in there? Sure baby Genie replied as she went outside and unlocked the car got in and grabbed her clutch as she looked for Jordan's phone it beeped she followed the sound and saw his phone on the floor with a recent text message that said
Dante- Dad can you come pick me up mom said she can't right now and I'm ready to go home
Genie looks at the text message and reads it she becomes filled with anger as she gets out of the car and sees Jordan standing in front of the restaurant she walks up to him and he says hey our bill is paid so are you ready to go home and to have your Jordy pie for dessert he says playfully while pulling her close to him Genie looks at me in anger and irritated way as pushing him away from her. Baby, what's wrong? Jordan asked in a worried voice Genie replied to him you have a son and wife? As Jordan who told you that? Jordan says in a firm tone Genie tosses Jordan his phone and says your son texted you he wants to know if you can come pick him up because his mom is too busy right now to do it. Jordan looks down at his phone and says damn Genie baby it's not what you think. Genie shouts out what the hell is it then?! We're separated alright we don't even talk it's a complicated situation and I didn't want to get in Genie cuts him off and says you still married Jordan replies it don't mean nothing, oh doe don't mean anything huh says Genie, I'm not trying to run a game on you Genie I meant what I said I love you baby Jordan replied you ain't no different wanting me to act casual in front of your friends and brother, wine and dining, singing little silly songs and shit you ain't no different you just like any other sorry bastard I've ever met bullshit just stay the hell away from me! As she storms off  Jordan runs in front of her and grabs her and says don't you dare walk away from me like this. Take your hands off of me Genie replied as Jordan let her go Genie tossed his car keys to him and walked away as Jordan called out her Genie! Genie! Genie! She continues walking down the street and ignoring him as she walks around the corner. Jordan puts his head down in sadness as he walks to his car wipes the tears from his eyes gets in his car and goes to pick up his son. When Genie arrives home and charges up her phone and sees she has five missed calls from Jordan as she plays his voicemail "Genie it's me again I just wanted to know if got home safe please Honey B answer the phone I love you I know you love me too" as Genie shakes her head and goes to get in the shower after she showers she goes to bed Jordan falls asleep on his couch with his phone in his hand.

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