Don't You Want Me

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Jordan's POV:

It has been three days since Genie and I made up she finally has forgiving me but. Something just doesn't seem right between us every time I try to talk to her she just been dodging me. For some reason I don't know

Genie's POV:

Jordan has really been acting clingy lately and it's getting annoying to be honest. It's getting hard for me to tell him I'm going back home the day after tomorrow. I just hope I can find the right words to say to him so we can have the right closure.

Genie was at the law firm cleaning out her office while doing that she gets a knock on the door. Come in she says Richard comes in says hi Genie, Genie shakes his hand and says hello Richard. So got any plans for this evening? Richard asked maybe Genie replied well if you're not doing anything later tonight wanna hang out? Said Richard maybe I'll let you know Genie replied oh ok well I guess I'll let finish up your work or whatever I guess I'll see you later says Richard. Yeah maybe Genie replied Richard leaves out the office Genie goes back to cleaning when all of a sudden her phone starts to ring. She looks at it and sees it's Jordan calling she answers it.


"Hi Honey B how's it goin?"

"Fine I guess"

"You guess Baby what's wrong?"

"Nothing *sigh*"

"I could come over later if you'd like"

"Uh sure whatever look I gotta go bye"

"Love you"

*Genie ends call*

Genie grabs her briefcase and walks out of the firm while walking to her car she hears someone calling out her name. She turns around and sees Richard running towards her she stops walking and waits for him to come to her. When he arrives to her he says hey I just thinking well why wait till tonight when we can just hang out now. Genie rubs the back of her neck and says um... I don't that's a good idea, why not said Richard ,Genie rolls her eyes and says just forget bout it ok and walks back to her car gets in drives away.

While at her condo Genie was sitting on the floor in the den listening to Santana while smoking her medical sage. 20 minutes later Genie gets a knock on her door she gets up off the floor and goes to open the door. When she opens it she sees it's Jordan with bags in his hands. As she invite him in Jordan walks in with his nose in the air what's that smell? He asked, sage Genie replied as they walk in the kitchen Genie grabs the remote and stops the music. When they get in the kitchen Jordan puts his bags down on the counter and grabs Genie's joint form her mouth puts it out and says that's bad for you. Genie rolls her eyes and says whatever you say dad Jordan walks over to Genie and wraps his arms around hugs her tight and says oh come on baby be nice as he moves his lips towards her Genie turns her head putting her cheek in front of his mouth. Jordan kisses her on the cheek and let's her go so what's in the bags? Genie asked well I brought us some chicken tacos for dinner tonight Jordan replied. Ooh my favorite said Genie ,yeah mine too Jordan replied as he goes to kiss her Genie moves her face away from him Jordan puts his head down in disappointment. Genie Baby can I ask you something? Said Jordan, sure Genie replied is there something you that you're upset about with me? Honey B Jordan asked no I'm not upset with you and can you please not call me that Genie replied. Don't call you what Honey B? Jordan said Genie nods her head yes Jordan stairs at Genie with confusion as he says but I've been calling you Honey B ever since you and I first started dating don't you remember Baby Jordan said while caressing Genie cheek with his finger. Yea I remember Genie replied

Genie's POV:

As Jordan caresses my face with his fingertips and says I'm starting to think you don't love me or want me anymore. That's not the case here I say then what is the case Jordan replied. I'm leaving the day after tomorrow my job is done here in Boston and even tho they offered me a permanent job here I turned them down because San Francisco is where I belong I say. What about us I mean we have such good thing here why would you try to spoil it? Jordan said, spoil what? I asked him. What we have between us Jordan replied there's nothing between us except for a bunch of lies none of this is real our relationship was never real! I shout out to him. That's not true! Genie Baby I love you form the first time I saw you I wanted to make you mine Jordan replied. Now you say you love me but at one time you love you loved her so what's so different? Tell me if you, were in my shoes What would you do or think of me? Would you trust me? But you feedin' me, All this rap about, How it's different But it's not mentioned what you're doin' is wicked. Now I'm having, second thoughts about, You and me, cuz this is not how I want it or it should be. I say to him as Jordan grabs both of my arms and shakes me and says what I'm doing is not wicked I know I should've told you about everything when we started to get serious but I didn't want to risk losing you just please try to understand where I'm coming from said Jordan as I snatch myself away from him and say I see what you mean but I'm sorry Jordan I'm just not in love with you anymore as soon as I said that I could see the tears rolling down his face as much as I wanted to comfort him right then and there but my pride wouldn't let me do so Jordan just wipe the tears from his eyes and says ok well if that's how you feel. As he starts to walk away and head towards the door I shouted out wait! What about dinner I mean you can't leave your stomach empty. As he turns around and walks back into the kitchen, takes the tacos out of the beg and gives me my portion we both ate our food with silence between us. When we were all done he leaves out I locked the door behind him and go to my room and pack my stuff.

Jordan's POV:

When I left Genie's place I got in my car and drove around I went to the garden park were we had our first date. As I stare at the beach where we were sitting I find myself crying and my chest is Caven in for the first time in my life I couldn't breathe. I couldn't believe she's not in love with me anymore. *sigh* I don't know what I'm going to do I wish she could believe that my feelings for her are real and true. I just pray one day she can believe me when I say I love you.

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