Jordan Meets Brad The Attorney

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While hanging out with his two sons Dante and Erik at the park Jordan gets a phone call from an unknown number. He answers it and says


"Hello I'm Brad Marshall attorney-at-law I was told you was in need of lawyer to settle your divorce"

"Yes I do I'm Jordan Knight by the way"

"Nice to meet you Jordan Look I much rather we discuss this in person is there any way you can meet me somewhere?"


"Alright meet me at the Bonjour café in 20 minutes"

"Ok gotcha"

*Jordan ends call*

Jordan gather his sons leaves the park and drops them off at the house. Jordon drives to the Bonjour Café when he arrives at the cafe and goes inside as he walks in the doors he looks around. All of sudden he hears a male deep raspy voice say. Are you looking for me? Jordan looks over to the left and sees a tall white male standing beside him. Are you Brad? Jordan ask yes I am and you must be Jordan Knight Brad replied. As the two males give each other a firm hand shake Jordan and Brad walks over to a empty booth and sit down. Brad sits his briefcase beside him. So Mr.Knight can you tell why are you getting this divorce? Said Brad as Jordan clears his throat he says I just feel it's time to for me to start living my truth. Me and my wife have not been happy for past few years and we honestly don't even sleep in the same bed anymore. So I feel it's time for us to go our separate ways and find what truly makes us happy. Brad shakes his head and says that's pretty understandable so would you like to have joint custody of your children or would you like to give her full custody your children? Jordan with the confused look on his face says how do you know I have kids? Brad smirks and says reliable source now answer the question. Jordan scratches his chin and says I think it'll be better if we had joint custody. Ok good Brad replies as he takes out his pen and notepad and writes it down. As Brad taps his pen against his note pad he says. So is there anything particular that you want like? Do you want to still share your home or are you going to live somewhere else? Is there any special clothing or anything in particular you want to have during this settlement? Jordan pauses as he goes into deep thought while scratching his chin. To be honest I don't want anything in particular all I wanted to is be able to see my kids more often not just on the weekends or only on spring or summer breaks. I really want to be in my children's life still Jordan replies. Are you sure there's nothing just you wanna be more involved with your children? Said Brad I'm sure Jordan replied ok well Mr. Knight i'm going to be honest with you, said Brad shoot Jordan replied well Mr. Knight you and your wife can sit across from each other at a table and discuss the settlement or she can have her lawyer to call me and will do the settling for you guys. If you all don't wanna be in the same room together is understandable, but I'm going to let you know something. The more you and her agree to disagree longer this divorce will take. Now if you and her on the same page and want the same things and agree on the same things. It'll go a whole lot faster for you and her. That's if you want to get it over with so you won't have to wait years to get it done. Because you have already settled on what you both wanted out of the divorce. So you talk to your wife and tell her if she has any questions have her lawyer to call me said Brad. Ok I got it thanks Jordan replied Brad hands Jordan his card and says if you ever think of anything you'd like to discuss let me know. Or if you have any questions, you can call or text me from that number. That's my office and cell phone number. Thanks Jordan replied as he put the card in his wallet. As Brad gets up out the booth and proceeds to walk away. Jordan stops him and says. Hey wait a minute! Brad walks back to where Jordan and him were sitting. Yes Brad replied, Jordan gets up out of the booth and goes to stand in front of Brad. Um I was wondering how did you get here so fast? and how much is it going to cost with you being my lawyer? Said Jordan

Good questions well to answer your first question., I was on my way home from vacation with my family and Genie called me and told me. She had an associate that was getting a divorce and she asked me could I represent them meaning you. I agree to do so she gave me your number and that day well me and my family were at the airport. I switch my ticket to a flight to Boston and I sent my family back home to San Francisco. And to answer your second question since I'm doing this for my friend Genie and she asked me to do a pro bono so i'm not gonna charge you for my service. Brad replied as Jordon takes a deep sigh and says oh ok well thanks man and please tell Genie I said thank you. Maybe you should call and tell her that yourself Brad replied. Jordon shakes his head and smiles while saying your right. Both Brad and Jordan shake hands and go their separate ways.

Jordan gets inside his car pulls out his phone calls Genie while driving off.


"Hey Honey B I mean Baby ehh no I mean Genie"

*Giggles*  "what is it Jordan?"

"I just called to tell you thank you for your help and I I really appreciate it"

"Ok your welcome don't mention it"

"So um.....are you still coming to my listening party"

"Yeah I'm still coming"


"Look I have to go my boss is calling for me"

"Alright bye Babe ehh I mean Genie"

*Giggles*  "bye Jordan"

*Jordan ends call*

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