It's Settled

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It was the day before the divorce settlement between Jordan and Evelyn. As they both Jordan and Evelyn sit their sons Dante and Eric down and discuss their divorce to the children. Jordan says even though your mom and I are getting a divorce. We are still a family you are my sons and I'm always going to be there for you. Because I'm your Father and I love you as Jordan hugs both of his sons. As Evelyn wraps her arms around Jordan and their two sons. And gives a tight squeeze as the knight family share a group hug.

As Jordan leaves the house and go to a near by hotel. He gets his hotel room and goes in to it and gets comfortable and goes to sleep.

It was 8:00am est and Jordan was sleeping in his bed when all of a sudden. He gets a phone call from Brad Jordan answers it and says in a sleepy voice.


"Hey Jordan judge has asked us to be a court at 11"


"Jordan wake up!"

"I'm awake"

"Did you hear what I said?"

"Yes don't worry I'll be there Honey B"

"What the heck did you Just call me?!"

"Huh nothing your Brad that's what I called you by your name"

"Look I'll see you at the courthouse at 11 so don't be late"

"Don't worry I wont I'm not trying to delay this I'm trying to get it over with"

"All right, I'll see you then. Bye."


*Jordan ends call*

Jordan's POV

After I got off the phone with Brad I get up out of bed. And made myself some warm coffee. As I sit on the couch next to the coffee table I think to myself am I my making the right choice? Then I see Genie in my mind smiling and I know for a fact. She is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I hope one day we can finally come together and live in our truth. As time went on I got ready to go to court. When I arrived at the courthouse I get butterflies in my stomach. It was finally happening I was coming into my own truth no pretending. When I got inside the courthouse there was bread waiting for me as he and I give each other form handshake. As walked into court I saw Evelyn and her sisters mean mugging me. I say to myself oh lord here we go as I roll eyes. As we all rise for the judge entrance when everything was said and done, Evelyn and I both have joint custody of our children, and the child support wasn't too bad 15,000 a month. I was so happy when the judge gave Evelyn her maiden name back like she asked. I walked over to Evelyn shook her hand and kissed her on the cheek then whispered in her ear so long, Evie. As I winked at her and walk away she nods her head to say goodbye to me.

While standing in the hallway Jordan and Brad were talking about the trial and giving each other bro fives. So what are you gonna do now that you're free single man Brad ask Jordan. I don't know Jordan replied, while scratching his chin. All of sudden Brad gets a call on his phone Brad looks at his and sees it's Genie calling. Hey looks who's calling! said Brad as he taps Jordan's arm. Brad answers the phone and says

Hello girl where you've been?!

Never mind all that the chief wants us to work on a small case together when will you be back home?

Later tonight

Alright well I guess we can discuss  this more when you get home

*Jordan taps Brad on the shoulder*

Hold on someone wants to talk to you

*Brad hands Jordan his phone*

Hey Honey B it's me I got some great news

*Genie ends call*

As Jordan stands there in disbelief and hands Brad his phone back. Are you ok what happened what she say? Said Brad as the tears starts to run down Jordan's cheek. Jordan runs top speed to the restroom he bumps into his brother Jon. Hey J man I'm sorry I'm late wait what's the matter? Said Jon Jordan continues to cry as he push Jon out the way and continues to run to the bathroom. When Jordan comes in the restroom he goes in the stall and cry's his eyes out. His brother, Jon Follows in behind him and knocks on the stall. Go away! Jordan shouts out , Jordan Nathaniel Marcel Knight you come out here right now! Said Jon. Jordan comes out the stall wiping his tears Jon lifts up Jordan face and says hey what's wrong? You know Jon I always thought that if I did the right thing then maybe she would see I'm a good guy and would come back to me. And it's funny I still love her even though she continues to run away from me. She hates me Jordan says as he breaks down in tears. As Jon grabs Jordan and hug him trying to calm him down. J man clam down she doesn't hate you said Jon. As Brad comes into the restroom and sees Jordan crying Jon's shoulder is everything ok? What did she say to you? Brad said. Nothing she said nothing she just hung up on me Jordan replied while wiping his tears. Woah can you tell what's the deal with you two? Nothing's wrong my brother here just been bitten by the love bug said Jon while patting Jordan on the back. Wait are you kidding me you're actually in love with Genie DeVille said Brad. Yes Jordan replied while shrugging his shoulders. Jordan if you really love then go after her time waits for no one and true love is hard to find said Brad. As Jordan stands up by the sink while stroking his hair and says ok looks like I'm going to San Francisco. Brad and Jon both clap their hands cheerfully and say yay! Jordan starts to giggle while shaking his head. Come on let's see if we can you on that flight said Brad as Jon and Jordan hug each other goodbye Jon shakes Brad's hand and says thanks for taking care of my brother no problem Brad replied.

As all three men leave the restroom and walk out the courthouse Jordan goes to pack to go to San Francisco.

Jordan's POV

As i pack my bags to go to San Francisco I feel kinda anxious and excited. I have a bunch of butterflies in my tummy. Brad was able to get me booked on his flight home we just won't be sitting together. Doesn't matter just as I make to San Francisco safely 10 minutes later Brad was outside. The ride to airport was quite I can't stop thinking about Genie and what's it gonna be like when we see each other again. When Brad and I got to the airport we had 15 minutes to make it to our gate so he and I ran to speed so I get luckily we made it in time. As we abort the plane. I sit in my window seat as I take a deep sigh as the plane takes off. I put my earbuds in my ear and play music from my IPod as I scroll through my music, I decided to play my all by Mariah Carey

I found myself crying while listening to the song as I think about Genie and how much I love,want and need her. And how much I miss making love to her she would always leave wanting more and more. I know fate is the one the that brought us together and it'll be the same thing that will bring us back together.

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