Genie Handles Her Business

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It was the three days before Genie's case goes to trial While in her office preparing for the trial all of sudden she gets an idea as she puts her files away, grabs her briefcase and leaves the office. She gets in her car and drives to Boston police station when she gets there she goes into the station and asks for Officer Murphy the desk clerk goes to get him while napping in his office the desk clerk wakes him up and says sir there's a young lady here to see you as yarns and stretches bring her in he replied as Genie walks in and as they both shake hands Genie takes a sit and says Good Afternoon detective how are you?. I'm fine thanks for asking so what brings you here officer Murphy replied  Genie says well sir I know you're lawyer must have told you that you've got nothing to worry about when it comes to winning this case against my client. Yea so what Officer Murphy says with the a cocky grin. Well Mr. Murphy can I ask you something? Said Genie , sure Officer Murphy replied are you gay? Genie ask Officer Murphy jumps up from his chair and yells out what the fuck did you just say? Genie Yells back at him are you gay Mr. Murphy? As both Genie and Officer Murphy stare at each other with tension between them no I'm not gay said Officer Murphy oh so your on the down low said Genie I'm not down with anything replied officer Murphy well sir this video I have says otherwise says Genie what video? Officer Murphy ask the night you pulled my client over and made him get out his and then you felling him up officer Murphy looks at Genie with confusion as he says I did my duty as an officer nothing more than that. So was grabbing my client dick was that part of duty? Ask Genie officer Murphy yelled out i didn't touch him like that! Genie laughs hahaha and says detective you're lying and i'm about to prove it to you right now Genie takes out her phone shows officer Murphy the video of the incident when the video was done officer Murphy puts his hand over his face Genie stands over him and says look sir i'm only gonna say this once the trial is in three days now the way I look at it you have two choices. You can either settle the case right now with me, or you can let this go to trial, and this piece of evidence will be shown to the public and you'll be known as the Fagot cop that was trying to get a piece of ass that night. Ok what do you want? Officer Murphy ask I want my client to be released and not put on probation when he's out in I want to you to remove that charge from his record since he clearly is an innocent man don't you think. Says Genie officer Murphy replies ok let me call my lawyer first and tell him what's going on then Genie replied ok you got 3 minutes officer Murphy picks up of his office phone and calls his lawyer


"Hey Lee after overthinking about the Williams case I've decided to drop the charges against him"

"Are you sure what changed your mind?"

"Well we just got some new evidence this morning and he's in the clear"

"Alright I'll informed the judge"

"Ok well i'm gonna be working on his release papers now, so call me back and let me know what the judge says"

"Ok I will give me 10 minutes"

"Ok bye"

*Officer Murphy ends call*

After 15 minutes had passed officer Murphy gets a phone call he picks it up and says


"Hey it's me I just talked to the judge and he his agreed to drop the charges and the case"

"Alright then i guess it's over and I will be releasing him right away thank you for your help and patience"

"Same to you Detective good bye"


*Officer Murphy ends call*

Genie shakes officer Murphy hands and says smart choice and gives him a wink and walks out of the police station gets in her car and heads back to the district attorney office when she gets there Mr. O'Kelly calls her into his office. Genie goes in and sits down says you wanted to see me, sir Mr. O'Kelly says I just got off the phone with Judge Rupert and he tells me that your case has been settled Yes sir it has Genie replied. Mr. O'Kelly jumps up with joy and hugs Genie says congratulations Ms. Deville you did it thank you!! Genie with a surprise look on her face replied your welcome no problem sir are you going to celebrate your victory tonight? Mr. O'Kelly ask I might Genie replied well Ms. Deville you are free to go said Mr. O'Kelly Thank you sir and leaves his office. As Genie packs up her stuff and leaves out the office gets in her car and drives to her condo. While lying in bed taking a nap Genie gets a phone call she picks it up and says


"Hi Miss Deville it's me Varnell"

"Oh hey Varnell how are you?"

"I'm fine thanks I was just calling to thank you for getting me back home"

"Your welcome Varnell it's my job that's what I do"

"So my friends were going to throw me a welcome home party wanna go?"

"Uh.... Sure why not"

"Ok cool I'll text you the details later"

Ok bye Varnell


*Genie ends call*

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