He's Starting to Remember

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Your eyes slowly opened, blinded by the intensity of light cutting through the window blinds. You lifted your arm to shield your vision when you noticed the IV and other needles stuck in your arms.

"You're pretty damn lucky, bullet didn't hit anything important," you heard a voice say as the blinds were closed.

As the blinds were shut, you made out the figure of Falcon standing by the window and Captain America sat on a chair in the corner of the room. You instantly felt the need to sit up in front of two national heroes, but Falcon held you back.

"Woah woah, you need to rest. No need to get all excited," he said smirking as you lay back.

"We're sorry ma'am, we didn't mean to startle you. I'm Steve Rogers and this is Sam Wilson," he said standing up from his seat.

You were dumbfounded, two of the most famous men in DC, the world, we're in the hospital trying to apologize and introduce themselves. Like you didn't know who they were already.

"Wow...oh um, I'm (y/n). Nice to meet you guys," you said with a wide grin.

"Do you remember what happened yesterday (y/n)? At the museum" asked Steve, a look of concern on his face.

"Yeah...um...there was a man, he had a knife..." you paused, struggling to remember what happened next.

"Try from the beginning, we need to know everything that happened," Sam said, sitting at the end of your bed.

You told them what had happened before you reached the exhibit but that didn't seem to give any useful information.

"What did you say to set him off? Did he say anything to you?" Sam asked.

"I just read the line about how Bucky had given his life for his country and he looked at me as if I just punched him. He then pulled the knife out..." you took a shaky breath.

"It's ok, we can come back later if you'd like," Steve said, raising his hands up in a calming manner

"No, no it's ok. He said, "Tell me who he is." I'm pretty sure he was referring to the display. And I told him all the information was on the diorama, but that seemed to make him angrier. He said "Tell me who he is really." What does that mean?" You asked.

"He's starting to remember. We need to find him, now," Steve said, shifting his weight.

"Is there anything else that happened that seemed odd?" Sam asked.

You hesitated.

"Well, when I was shot. He put me down gently, like he was sorry... And when he left, I found the gun cartridge on the ground. I think he took it out when he had the gun to my head. Doesn't that seem odd to you?" You asked.

The two men looked at each other, and back at you. You quickly sat up, eyeing the men with confusion.

"This is a lot to ask of you, but we think you would be able to help us. The man's name is Bucky Barnes, or the Winter Soldier, and he is in extreme danger to both himself and anyone around him. We think that he is getting his memories back from the war, and we need to find him. For whatever reason, he spared you and we need to use that to our advantage. Now, will you be willing to help us?" asked Captain America, standing up and crossing his arms.

And how is this all possible? You wanted to ask, but then you remembered that a man could turn into a giant green rage monster and there was a God from outer space protecting earth. So you decided not to ask questions.

"I'll do whatever I can, as soon as I can get out of here," you said to the two heroes.   

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