The Glass Cage

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After he had passed out, Steve had called Tony Stark and asked to take him to 'the Tower' as they called it, so Bucky could have somewhere to gather himself. As soon as he agreed, Sam and Steve dragged Bucky into the backseat of the van, you sat next to the blacked out assassin so that you could make sure he didn't wake up and slit all your throats. You watched the sleeping man as his facial expression showed just how much pain he was actually in, sweat covered his face, and his jaw was clenched so hard you worried he might break his teeth.

"He's not looking too good guys, I think he's in a lot of pain," you said holding your hand to his forehead, he was burning.

Looking around the van, you found a small cloth, which you used to wipe the sweat off of his face. As you did so, his facial expression softened and he looked a little more at peace. You smiled as you put the cloth away something caught your eye on the floor of the van. You reached down and picked up his dog tags and looked at the soldier as you placed the chain around his neck and placed the tags on his chest.

"I bet it's been years since he's been touched by a pretty girl," Steve said, looking back at the two of you smirking.

You yanked your hand back from the soldier and tried not to look embarrassed. You gave Steve a frustrated look, which he laughed off as he turned back around, looking out the window. Great, now Captain America was teasing you, at least that was a sign of trust usually.

As the three of you sat in the car for a few more minutes, you began to worry what you would do if the soldier did actually wake up before he got to Stark's tower. Would he kill you first before you even had a chance to realize what had happened, and then move on to Steve and Sam? But you weren't too worried about them, they were soldiers who could handle these situations, you were not. Then you saw it, outside your window you saw the "Avenger's Tower" as the newspapers called it, with the single A at the top looking over New York. You held your breath. You've seen it on the news but you have yet to see it in person, much less get to go inside. As you looked up in amazement, you heard quiet grunting coming from the man. He was beginning to wake up.

"Shit, we need to get him inside quick!" You said as you began to panic.

As much as you wanted to help the man, you knew that he was extremely dangerous and you were the closest target.

"Stark, we're coming in now, but it might get messy..." Steve said, calling in on a small earpiece.

You backed up a little bit as the soldier tossed and turned, it was clear that he was very agitated. The car drove around towards the back of the tower, when you saw a large door open up as you all drove inside. You kind of had the feeling that you three were going to drag Bucky through the front doors but you then realized that was silly, and shook your head. These Avenger's really have these situations under control, you were just a tag along. When the car stopped, you quickly got out and walking towards Steve. You at least wanted a wall between you and the soldier when he woke up.

"Ah, the Cap-sicle actually has friends," you heard a sarcastic voice from behind you all. You turned around to come face to face with Tony Stark, one of the most famous men in New York even before he announced himself at the Iron Man.

"Tony Stark, Iron Man, etc..." He introduced himself, holding his hand out to you and Sam.

You shook his hand but Sam just stood there, arms crossed. You knew Stark could be a little carefree but not this much, there was a brainwashed assassin in the back of the car and he was introducing himself.

"Stark, we need to work quickly. He's waking up, and he's going to be... not the happiest..." Steve said with a certain tone that a principle would use on a student.

"Right, of course. Jarvis!" he yelled, at the room it seemed.

A small panel opened behind Stark as he grabbed something out of it, walking over to the car. You then saw him stab something into the soldier's chest.

"What was that!" You said, panicking.

"Relax, it's just a tranquilizer. I don't need him wreaking all of my stuff. Your boyfriend's gonna be fine," he said, backing out of the way so Sam and Steve could get Bucky out of the back.

Your face heated up like it was roasting in the sun, as Tony let out a small laugh. He was a little too comfortable as you could see.

"So who are you? I don't usually let strangers check out all our cool Avenger stuff, well maybe certain strangers..." he said looking at you, trying to analyze what he could.

"(Y/n), I'm here to help Bucky..." You said, rubbing your thumb into your palm, you were nervous to say the least.

"Right right, of course. Just be careful, Steve might try to kiss him or something," Tony said as Sam and Steve placed Bucky on a gurney.

"Ha ha very funny..." Steve said, clearly very annoyed with him. But you couldn't help but laugh.

"Good, a sense of humor. I like her already," Tony said as he led the way through the building.

You followed, unable to refrain from looking everywhere, you had never been anywhere so... expensive. As you came to a stop, you noticed that your neck began to grow sore after throwing your head around in amazement. Tony tapped his fingers on a keypad and a large door opened, revealing a large glass room.

"This was originally for the big guy, but it should work for a deadly brainwashed assassin as well..." Tony said as Steve wheeled the gurney into the room.

"What? This is a cage, this was exactly what Bucky was afraid we would do!" You said, your voice raising as Bucky was placed on a small bed.

"(Y/n), I know, I didn't want to do it either but this is the only way to talk to him without him running away or hurting anyone. If there was any other way, I would do that, but we can't risk it," Steve said, looking down at the sweaty face of the unconscious soldier.

You paused for a moment, as much as you hated to admit it, he was right. Bucky was going to wake up in a place he didn't know, think it was all going to happen again. Hydra, the brainwashing, the loneliness... He was going to panic and take it out on anyone near by. This way you all were safe, but you were still worried.

"Jarvis, make sure our guest is comfortable. Let him know the details when he wakes up," Tony said.

"Of course" a English, robotic voice said throughout the walls.

You jumped, unsure where that had come from. Tony let out another small laugh.

"Jarvis, my robot friend. Aside from Pepper, he runs this tower."

"Yes, I am here to assist Tony and the Avengers in their endeavors. As well as their guests," he told you, seemingly answering all your questions.

"Well, now that that's settled who wants drinks!" Tony said, leading the group out of the room.  

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