An Ally

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Bucky's P.O.V.

It's been two weeks and still no sign of (y/n). How could I let this happen to her? How could I let my guard down for a second. I should've known that Hydra wouldn't let their thousand dollar project just run away. I should have known there'd be a price.

"Barnes? Are you alright?" Natasha asked, her eyebrows knit.

"Yeah, fine," I guess my face showed what I was thinking pretty well for someone to take notice.

"Yeah, and I'm Iron Man. We will find her, Hydra is maybe resourceful but they'll soon run out of places to hide," Natasha said, her face firm.

I just sighed and rubbed my face with my hands. We had to be coming close, unless... she was gone already. But I couldn't think like that, if we were going to find her I needed all the hope I could get.

"So we know they haven't left the country, and that they're using a new location. Are there any new but vacant locations that are pumping a strange amount of power, Jarvis?" Tony asked.

"Aside from yours, sir?"

"Yes, and I would prefer to keep those on the down low..." Tony whispered.

"Of course. There are currently 153 locations that fit in these parameters," Jarvis explained.

"We need to narrow down those odds," Steve said, eyeing my clenched fists every few seconds.

This was getting ridiculous, we had no new leads and (y/n) was running out of time. While the others were deep in conversation, I snuck out of the room without notice. I had to clear my head, and Stark's tower of lights and glamor really wasn't the right place to do it. So, after awhile of trying to find my way through the halls I was finally able to find the doors outside. With my face concealed underneath a baseball cap I walked out into the busy streets of New York. The sky was void of clouds and even with the noise of people talking, it was peaceful... almost familiar.

"No, of course not. Why would I let her do that?" I heard a man say on his telephone as I walked by.

New York had changed a lot throughout the years, but many things still remained the same. Navigating through the city streets was much easier than trying to find my way out of the tower. But even in the city I had grown up in, I still felt like a stranger. No matter how much I have tried to forget the past, how much I've tried to move on... It always came rushing back. Maybe this was a sign that I shouldn't forget, that I should live on with the memories that don't feel like mine. That I should move on as the man everyone remembers me to be...

"Right, right. Well how was I supposed to know that?" A woman said, dragging her child behind her through the crowds.

As I turned my head forward something strange happened. Everyone on the street was moving towards an area further down. I followed as people started to gather around in a large group, obviously amazed by something. I pushed my way through the crowd until I saw what had everyone was staring at. In the street there was a giant burning symbol etched into the street with a man standing in the center. He had long blonde hair and was dressed in some kind of armor draped in a red cape. People had begun to take photographs with their phones as the man looked around at the crowd that had surrounded around him.

"I love you Thor!" screamed the young woman that was standing right next to me.

Loki's brother, Thor, the one that Steve and Tony had told me about. Without much thought I felt my blood heating up as I broke out from the crowd and stood out in front of the man.

"What is your brother doing here?!" I yelled at him as he turned around to face me, a large hammer firm in his hand.

"And who might you be?" He asked, almost looking amused.

"That doesn't matter right now, I need you to tell me what you're brother is doing here," I said firmly, holding my ground.

He looked at me with a strange look, like he didn't expect me to know that his brother was here. Suspicion swept across his face as he inspected my body language.

"I demand you tell me how you know of my brother's location. Who are you?" He said, grabbing me by the collar lifting me up from the ground.

Anger filled my body as my feet lifted off the ground. In a blink of an eye I swung my metallic fist across the god's face, causing him to throw me to the ground. He stumbled back in surprise followed by laughter as he wiped his mouth with his fist. He walked towards me weighing his hammer as I stood, rolling up my sleeves revealing my arm.

"Ah, the soldier of winter. Jane has told me much of your stories of terror," he said, his voice booming as people ran away from us once they learned of my identity.

I was a terrorist and he was a god, this was going to be interesting. He begun to swing his hammer and threw it at me, I quickly dropped to the ground barely dodging the large mass. As I quickly got up he ran at me and tried to land a punch, to which I blocked each attempt swiftly. Growing frustrated he went for a headbutt knocking me to the ground, and quickly landed a punch across the face. Before he could land another I lifted up my legs, kicking him off of me. Getting up again I ran at him landing a few punches, he was obviously better at offense than defense, but he grabbed me be the throat before I could hit him again. As my feet left the ground I kneed him in the stomach, only causing him to clench my throat stronger. Just as my vision began to go blurry something hit Thor's arm causing him to drop me.

"Thor, he's an ally," Steve said catching his shield as it returned to him.

Thor looked at me as I wrapped my hand around my throat, gasping for breath.

"Apologies Steven, I was unaware," he said, summoning his hammer back to him.

He caught it and offered me a hand up, to which I bitterly declined.

"What are you doing here?" Steve asked as I wiped blood from my lip.

"Loki escaped and I saw that he was back on earth, so I came to retrieve him," he said, occasionally glancing at me.

"He is. He's controlling a friend of ours who has been recently kidnapped by Hydra. Can you help up find her. Loki is living in her head so to speak," Steve responded quickly.

"Of course, the easiest way to locate him would be through his scepter. He shares an energy with it, it's what gives him his powers," Thor said as we began to walk towards the tower.

"Who is this friend that we are searching for? Have I met them?" Thor asked as we entered Stark's tower.

"Her name's (y/n). And she's an innocent that needs to be found fast," I responded.

"Ah, that's the clearest answer you've given me yet. And this (y/n) means much to you, yes?" Thor asked, glancing back to me as I glared at him.

"She's been very helpful, and has become an important member of the team," Steve interrupted, saving me from having to answer.

Steve led us into the elevator and up to the floor where the scepter was being held while the people working in the tower gawked at the God of Thunder. We made our way down the hall and entered the room where the mystical staff was the glowing center piece.

"It will glow brighter the closer we come to Loki," Thor said, lifting it off the display.

"Good. Chances are the base isn't that far given that they lost us at the first bridge they could find. We can probably find their base on bike," Steve said holding his hand out for the scepter.

"No, this is too powerful and will easily influence the average man's mind," Thor said, holding it away from Steve.

"I'll take it. There isn't much of my mind to influence," I said, holding my hand out.

Reluctantly he handed me the scepter, it weighing my hand down because it was heavier than it looked. I didn't feel any different with it in my hand but I could sense it's power emanating from the blue stone at the top.

"Right. Team, let's suit up."   

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