Mental Capabilities

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You had so many questions, and absolutely no answers. It had been an hour since the latest experimentation and your were exhausted, your head still throbbing.

"What did you do to me?" You whispered, voice shaky.

(I didn't DO anything, my dear. I just tapped...)


The figure appeared again in your room, his golden clothing appearing in great contrast with your dark, dirty cell.

(That man is relentless, he had the formula off balance. I thought with time he would figure it out, but you would be dead by the time he did. And really, there would be no fun for me. So I simply tapped into your subconscious, it was quite difficult to say the least, you had it very tightly sealed.)

It's your subconscious, it's tightly sealed for a reason. You had many things stored back there that you didn't want unsealed... and he just opened it up like a plywood door.

(You know, you would be a lot more interesting if you told people these memories... But do what you will with them, they're yours not mine... Well, at least not yet.)

You were startled as the door to your cell was thrown open, and in walked the doctor and the man with the gun. And once again, they didn't see the man in strange attire standing in the middle of your room.

"Come with us please," the doctor ordered as the gunman yanked you up by the arm.

You followed the man down the hall again, gun pointed at your back. The man walked right passed the lab and into the interrogation room from the first day you were taken. He gestured for the man to leave and you to sit on the metal chair opposite of him. You slowly sat down, pain shooting through your body while the man arranged a few objects in front of him.

"What are these?" You asked, rubbing your temple with your hand.

"These are your tests."

In front of you sat a candle and what looked like a metal cube. You looked at him with a strange look plastered across your face. The doctor let out a small chuckle.

"Perhaps I should explain a few things. I've heard of you before (y/n), long before you've even heard of Hydra or S.H.I.E.L.D. Back when you were a child," he admitted, opening a file out in front of you.

You held your breath, you knew exactly what he was getting at.

"Do you remember, (y/n)? Do you remember the fire?" He asked, looking you straight in the eye.

Your head began to pound again, your eyes squeezed shut and your jaw tightened. But then something happened, it was gone, the throbbing quit as soon as it began. Your eyes shot open as something caught your eye. The previously dark candle had now been lit.

"I've done it! My work was correct!" The doctor said, inspecting the fire.

"What have you done?" You asked, unsure of the situation.

"You! You, (y/n)... are a miracle! I've taken you to your full potential," he said, excitement filled his eyes.

(Actually, that would have been my work.) The voice stated in your head, clearly annoyed.

"What do you mean my... full potential?" You asked, glancing at the lit candle.

"The fire, (y/n). The fire that was recorded in your file. The one with the unexplainable cause, the one that caused you to get a file," he said, attempting to calm his excitement.

(Yes, I remember this. Your subconscious, oh it was full of dirty secrets.)

"The fire that killed your mother and your father and destroyed your home. The one that you caused," the doctor said, leaning back in his chair and a file in his hand.

"I didn't cause that! That was an accident!" You yelled, your face heating up.

"Oh, I don't think that was... And you know it, (y/n). You know that you were the only one to survive, that there was no other possible cause, and that the source of the fire... led straight to you," he said, placing pictures of your burned home and family on the table for you to see.

You looked away, not being able to look at the charred photos. You thought you would have finally forgotten by now, that you didn't have to live with those images anymore... And here they were, set out on a table in front of you. You looked away as he set out more photos, the only thing causing you to look up was the sound of fresh footsteps.

"Ah yes. The Fire!" The mindcontroller said as he appeared in the room, pacing back and forth.

You tried to not look at him in hopes that the doctor wouldn't notice your distraction. You didn't know how but no one but you had seen him so far, was he all in your imagination. No, he couldn't be... he had information that you didn't have, you weren't that creative.

"Mum and Dad sent you to your room without supper and you burn them to the ground... I like your style," the voice said, his sly smile growing wider.

Your face heated up even more, your fists began to clench and your jaw tightened again. And without warning the metal cube shot off the table at incredible speed, going straight through the man dressed in gold. The area around the cube disappeared on the man and reappeared as it passed through him and slammed against the wall, leaving a large dent in the concrete.

"Well, that wasn't very nice," the sly man said, dusting off his robe.

"Amazing! That cube weighed 50 pounds and you through it against the wall like it was a ball of paper. Weight isn't a limit when it comes to your mental capabilities," the doctor said, quickly writing it down in your file.

"What do you mean my mental capabilities!? What did you do to me?!" You yelled, asking both the doctor and the ghost.

"I just simple enhanced what you already had. I gave you the mental strength to help you use your capabilities again. This candle? You were able to vibrate it's molecules until the friction caused it to combust. And the cube? You saw into the molecular structure of each atom that made it up and pushed with so much force it sped up like a bullet. And the fire? When you were a child, you tapped into these abilities until they got out of hand, before you chose to forget," the doctor said, holding up a photo of you from the fire.

There wasn't any ash or dust on you. Not even a single burn.   

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