The New Order

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"Who are you? And why are you in my house?" You said calmly, slowly reaching inside your pocket. 

"I, miss (y/n), am here for information," said the man, who looked as if he could take your teeth out by hand. 

"What kind of information would I have?" 

"Information regarding the Winter soldier and the Avengers." 

You were silent for a moment, hiding your phone behind your back, typing in a number.
"Why would I have any information about them?" 

"Because, we saw you, you were with the Winter Soldier and Captain America the last you were seen. And we would like to know where you've been," he said, walking closer to you. 

"Who's we?"

"Hydra, the new world order..." He said as he stepped even closer. 

You quickly turned around and ran towards the door. Before you could turn the doorknob, the man hit you on the back of the head... hard. You fell to the ground, your vision dazed.

"Now, (y/n), don't make this more difficult than it has to be..." He knelt down and grabbed your chin, lifting it up your vision to look at him. 

You felt your hands around on the floor for your phone, before spitting in the man's face. He wiped it off with the back of his hand before landing a punch across your face. 

"JARVIS! HEL-" You screamed into the phone before the man kicked you in the stomach, repeatedly. 

After you began to go limp with each kick, he stepped on your phone, ending the call. You tried your best to crawl away, but he grabbed you by the throat, keeping you on the ground. Your hands wrapped around his forearms, trying to pry him off you, but it did nothing. 

"Now, I suggest you tell me what you know, or... well it's gonna get messy," he said, applying more pressure to your throat. 

Your eyes began to blur just before a large mass tackled the man off of you. You quickly got up, massaging your throat, catching your breath. When you looked up you saw a familiar figure fighting the hydra agent.

"Bucky?" You asked, trying to get up. 

The man was a lot stronger than he looked, he could actually hold a fight with the super-soldier. He was able to land a few punches before Bucky had him pinned to the ground. You tried to pull yourself up using the wall before falling back down. You tried to get up again when you saw someone bust in through your front door. Steve and Sam ran over to apprehend the man, while Bucky backed away his breathing heavy. 

You finally were able to get yourself off the ground when you saw Bucky walking towards you. Your head kept pounding inside your skull as you held yourself up with the wall. 

"Are you ok?" He asked with a firm face.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine," you groaned as you clenched your stomach.

His face changed when he saw your cut lip and how much pan you were actually in. He seemed concerned, very concerned.

"You aren't fine."

"No, no really. I just need some rest or something..." You said as you noticed your legs giving out. 

Bucky's arms quickly reached out to grab you, holding you up. 

"Thanks," you said, regaining your balance. 

He said nothing, only nodding his head in response. Steve twisted the arms of the hydra agent behind his back as he took him out the door. Bucky seemed to back away from you as Sam walked over.

"What was that guy doing here?" Sam asked, eyeing Bucky.

"He said that I had information about the Winter Soldier, about the Avengers. He said he's Hydra," you said, wiping your bloody lip with your wrist. 

Sam looked over at Bucky before looking back to you.

"Well good thing Bucky got here when he did. But you can't stay here, they will just keep coming after you. You need to come with us..." Sam said, helping you towards the door.You nodded your head, as you walked out the door, followed by Bucky. You turned around to face him, Bucky's face was still, his brows were knit.

 "Thank you, Bucky." "You called, I just answered," he said, inspecting your face it seemed. 

You had the phone calling Jarvis as soon as you had seen the man in your room. You were glad that Jarvis had known what to do without you having to say a word, no wonder he was able to run the entire Avenger's Tower. 

"Well, you didn't have to. But I'm pretty damn happy you did," you laughed, but quickly winched at the pain in your stomach.

When you arched over, holding your stomach, you noticed that he had his arms out and his face was full of concern. He was actually worried about you. 

 "We need to get you back..." He said, helping you to the van.   

The Kind You Save (Winter Soldier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now