The Experiment

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Your P.O.V.

It was cold. The men dragged you down the hall, your knees scraping against the concrete floor. They kicked open two large doors and threw you into a bright room. You struggled to get up, your arms giving out from under your weight. Just as you began to try again you felt a sharp pain in your neck. The doctor stood, looking down at you as the drug began to take effect. Your vision was blurry and you couldn't feel a thing. You saw the man with glasses motion to someone from afar. A pair of arms lifted up your upper half and another man lifted up your legs, placing your motionless body on a metal table.

(Oh, look at the mess you've gotten yourself into...)

Even now, the voice felt the need to tease you. You wanted to scream at him to leave you alone, that you were of no use to him here but you couldn't. Your muscles were completely numb, you couldn't say a word, only make small inaudible noises.

"Now, (y/n). I have to thank you, you have given me the perfect opportunity... Since your little Avenger friends have tampered with our balance, I have grown dangerously low on test subjects. And just when I found a mysterious... mutation... that I've been dying to test. You should consider yourself lucky really," the doctor said, pulling a medical tray closer to him.

"G-go... to... hell..." You managed you get out of your numb lips.

"Aw, I'm sorry you feel that way... You will help me make great leaps in science, medicine, even warfare if used correctly. Now, do you see this? Look familiar?" He asked, lifting up a syringe filled with a dull liquid up to your view.

"No? Of course not. This is a special formula, just for you. I had found a mutation in the so called "super-soldier formula" and thought, what if instead of enhancing your physical capabilities... it could enhance the physiological? Strengthen the human mind? But I needed a transference for this of course, so what better formula than the one that could erase decades of memories? And with a little change in the equation, I think I'm finally really to find out what it does."

You could feel the syringe enter your neck and into your spine. The numb feeling was beginning to wear off and you had a feeling you weren't going to get another dose.

(Hurts doesn't it. To have become an experiment, a test subject for the enemy. I knew you would be interesting.)

The pain began to become unbearable, you prayed to pass out, but the formula seemed to affect your adrenaline. As you began to thrash around you saw the figure of the man in your head appear between two doctors, neither of them noticing as he walked around the room.

"Ugh, that's a mighty force. It was starting to make me uneasy, I can't imagine what you must feel right now. This won't be the only test if that makes you feel any better," the man said with a sly smirk as he examined you on the table.

The formula seemed to be finally settling and the pain was becoming duller. The doctor eyed your expression through his spectacles at you came to your senses.

"How do you feel?" He asked with excitement, the voice standing next to him.

"H-horrible... " You admitted, weakly.

The expression of the doctor filled with disappointment, his eyes returned back to their dullness. He turned away from you as you sat up, clasping your head.

"Oh, well that was anticlimactic. You always have next time," the invisible man said, disappearing into thin air.

"This was only the first test, many things could've gone wrong. We'll try again when you have more energy, let's say an hour," the doctor said, waving at the men to take you back to your room.

The next attempt was just the same, no result. And the one after that, and after that. Each day was filled with unbearable torture, and with no result. Was this what Bucky had to go through? Your heart sunk at this idea, taken out of your own time and forced into experimentation. You just hoped that he would be able to find you before the formula actually began to work.

"(Y/n)? Are you ready for attempt #64?" The doctor asked as you struggled to sit up from your mattress on the ground.

But of course you had no choice, the men followed the same routine everyday and dragged you down the hall and into the lab. That lab almost felt like another cell to you, it began to feel like you spent more time in there than in your actual cell. The routine went on like any other day, the doctor checked your vitals and wrote them down in your file before injecting your central nervous system with the formula. The pain shot through your body, your arms and legs were cramping, your chest grew heavy, and your breath shortened. But something changed.

(*sigh* This bores me, I thought this scientist would figure it out by now... But, I should've known, you are all the same, so clueless. I'll have to take this into my own hands.)

The voice then faded as your head began to throb, and your breath was quick and heavy. Something was definitely different this time.

"Anything?" The doctor asked, writing on his notepad, barely looking at you.

You couldn't respond, your head hurt too much. You felt nauseous, this was worse than any migraine that you've ever had. What had that man changed? You could only muster a small nod, your eyes squeezed shut and teeth clenched.

"What do you feel?" The doctor asked, clearly excited in the new development.

"My-hrrr... head... hurts..." You whispered, clenching your skull with the palms of your head.

He quickly wrote something down on his notepad before reaching for another syringe on the mental tray. But before he could grasp it something strange happened... it moved. Without anything near it, it inched away from the doctor's hand. He froze for a moment before looking up at you, a smirk faintly forming.

"I knew you were it."  

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