A Second Chance

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He was... upset. And by upset you meant pissed. He had woken up only about 20 minutes after you all had gone upstairs, and he... was freaking out, for the lack of a better term. You all watched the screens that displayed Bucky in his glass cage. At first he slowly began to wake up, sweat beading down his forehead, eyes surrounded by black circles, and his breathing heavy, but then he came to realization what was happening. He quickly got to his feet and rushed towards the door, desperately trying to open it, but to no avail. He stepped back and looked around the room quickly, looking outside the glass to find anyone, but there was no one there with him. He was alone again.

"He looks so lost, maybe we should let him out... " Steve said, guilt covering his face.

Bucky began to pace around the room, he was becoming more and more furious. He resembled a tiger pacing its cage at a zoo, eyeing the guests as if they were it's next meal. You thought he was finally going to sit back down until he let out a deep, blood curdling yell as he threw a chair against the glass wall, barely making a scratch.

"Yeah... your friend isn't coming out here anytime soon" Tony said, eyes widened in surprise.

Bucky continued his rampage around the room, throwing what little furniture resided with him, against the glass walls, and then continued to try his fists. But then he suddenly stopped as the voice of Jarvis filled the room, he looked around the room in a panic. Jarvis tried his best to calm and explain to the soldier but he wouldn't listen. He just continued to rampage around the room. This went on for about an hour until the soldier fell to his knees in the center of the room, clearly exhausted.

"We need to get down there. Talk to him while he's not trying to kill the nightstand," Sam said looking over to Steve.

Steve nodded following Sam out of the room as you watched the screens with Tony. You decided that they were more fit to handle this than you were...

"So, what's the interest? Why are you helping this guy in the first place? No offense but you don't exactly look like you're from the 1940s..." Tony said, tapping his fingers on random screens.

"I don't know, I guess I know he deserves a second chance. And at this point there aren't many people that are going to give it to him..." You focused on the screens as Tony glanced over at you.

"Trying to give him something you never had. You hope that by helping him, it will be a sort of second chance for yourself," Tony said as if it was not his opinion but absolute fact.

You forgot that aside from being a billionaire playboy, he was also a kind of genius, and you were an open book to him. Before you could respond a loud noise came from surveillance. Bucky was now standing, staring at Sam and Steve through the glass, with his metal fist stopped just in front of Steve's face.

"Well, this is going swimmingly..."

You watched as Steve explained everything to Bucky. The Howling Commandos, the capture, the fall, Hydra, and who he was. Bucky just stood there taking it all in, staring at the ground. When Steve had finished, Bucky was silent and stood as still as a statue.

"This is a lot to take in... Let's give him a break..." Sam said, placing his hand on Steve's shoulder as they left the room.

A few hours had past and you realized how exhausted you were, and how you hadn't been home in a few days. But there was no one there to worry about you, so you didn't give it much thought. You were about to say you should head home just when Steve interrupted you.

"(Y/n), we could still really use your help and Tony has plenty of rooms to rest in here if you'd like to stay the night. But we can drive you home if you need to go," he said, almost as if he had read your mind.

You thought about it for a few moments, stay in the superhero tower for the night, or go home to your microscopic apartment. The answer was pretty clear.

"If you guys don't mind, I'd be happy to stay and help as much as I can," you said, holding back a yawn.

The hero nodded in agreement as he lead you down the hall. You walked past glass windows which displayed either rooms filled with unfinished projects Tony must have been working on, or rooms filled with games, either way it was pretty cool.

"Here you go, a fresh new room. There's everything you'll need in here, even a new change of clothes. If you need anything you can always ask Jarvis," Steve said, giving you his brightest smile.

"Wow, thank you. This is incredible, but I don't want to be a burden..." You said, looking at all the stuff that you had to try your best not to break.

"Don't be ridiculous, you've been more than enough help. Now, you should get some rest," he said as he left you standing alone in the grey room.

Why did they think you could help them in anyway? You were just the hostage that Bucky spared, no more. Why did they place so much trust in you? Was it because they saw how much you wanted to help him? A million questions rattled through your brain as you tried to sleep, but to no avail. You were never much of a sleeper anyways, and you had way too much to explore.  

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