The Useless

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Steve's P.O.V.

"Big burley men need sleep too, you know," Natasha said, sipping out of a mug.

Tony and I had been up most of the night trying to locate Hydra's new location and I guess it was starting to show. Natasha placed her mug on the table as she looked on all the different screens, swiping away different locations that Jarvis had gathered.

"Those were their most used locations, chances are they'll be somewhere new or less used. Why are you guys looking for them now, anyways?" She asked, looking at the random papers set on the glass table.

"Hydra took (y/n) yesterday, and were trying to get her back as soon as possible," Tony said, taking a sip of Natasha's coffee.

"Right, before they can get any useful information out of her. We don't need anymore disadvantages..." She said, sliding her mug away from Tony's reach.

We both nodded, it was possible that Hydra would be able to get some information out of her, but not anything useful. Why would they take her? We haven't told her any really important information, we tried to keep it away from her as much as possible in fact. And how did they know about her being here? From what (y/n) has told us, there really isn't anyone that would notice her disappearance. It was pretty depressing really.

"Where's Barnes? I would've thought he'd be helping somehow," Natasha asked, looking around the room.

We were silent, continuing to do our research.

"Ah, I see. You haven't told him. Afraid he's gonna lose it again?"

The room then grew silent, I looked up to find everyone staring at the door. Bucky stood in the doorway, looking at us with a dead glare. How much did he hear?

"Bucky we-"

"You're right. I'm uncontrollable, I'm dangerous. I should have known that everything was going too well... It was only a matter of time before..."

"No, it doesn't have anything to do with you. Your episode wasn't because of you, in fact (y/n)-" I stopped myself, how could I tell him that she did this to him.

"(Y/n) tampered with the formulas I was working with. That's why you went all berserk,"" Tony said.

Bucky stood there, his expression growing weak. The person that he trusted the most had caused him to resort back to the man that Hydra made him to be. The man that caused him to regret most of his own memories, the man that made him doubt his own conscious.

"But it wasn't her fault, Loki is controlling her mind. He made her do this," I quickly intervened before he could lose all hope.

"Here we'll show you," Tony said pulling a screen over to Bucky, pulling up the video from the lab.

I glanced over at Bucky as he watched the footage, his jaw was tense. He was still until the part where (y/n) was grasping her throat and thrown to the ground. His fists were clenched and his eyes were focused, he was clearly trying to control himself.

"Who's Loki? Where can I find him?" He asked, stopping the video.

"Well, he's the son of a bitch that led that alien attack a while back... He's got a thing for mind control. Oh yeah, and he's the brother of our buddy Thor, the god of thunder," Tony said, basically summing it all up.

"A god?" Bucky asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, you'll get used to it eventually," I said, relating to his cluelessness.

"Yes, so right now he's controlling (y/n) to do what he wants. Which we don't know what it is yet," Tony said, closing a few screens with his fingertips.

"Well, where is she? We need to help her," Bucky asked, his face firm. He didn't hear that part, and it was clear he was in no mood to be lied to.

The room was silent for a few moments, the three of us glancing at each other. Finally, I made the decision that I would have to tell him, we couldn't keep it from him any longer.

"Bucky, yesterday after your episode, (y/n) ran away, outside and was taken... By Hydra," I said, plain and simple.

He didn't move, his eyebrows were knit and his eyes were cold. We couldn't tell what he was thinking, and the room grew more tense with every silent moment.

"We're doing all we can to find her. Trust me. But we need your help... " I said, eyeing his movements.

His breathing was shaky and his muscles were tense. He was clear he was trying his hardest to control his temper.

"We have to find her as soon as possible. Hydra doesn't take prisoners, if she doesn't tell them what they want they kill her... or worse... " He said, clenching his fists.

"It won't come to that, Buck."

"How do you know that! How do we have any say in what they'll do to her! They won't just kill her... they'll use her, exploit her... until they find her useless... I know," He said, not looking at anyone in the room.

The room was silent, except for Bucky's heavy breathing. He was right... if we don't find her quick... well, then she'll be lost.   

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