A Reminder

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You had changed your shirt, having forgotten the old one was soaked with your blood from your wound which Tony had re-stitched for you. You also took off your boots, they weren't the best for sneaking around. You stepped outside your room, looking down the hall for any sign of life. Everyone must be asleep, you thought to yourself as you made it down the hall. Walking into the open room you had been in earlier, you saw a large mass lying on the table in front of the security screens. Steve lay with his head in his arms across the table, his back raising up and down as he breathed. You quietly walked up to the screens looking at the one that watched Bucky.

He sat on his bed, which he had put back into place, his head in his hands. Even with the information on his past given to him, he still looked lost and scared. Did he think Steve was lying? Did he think this was all a test put up by Hydra? You couldn't stop yourself, you needed answers. Leaving the room, you made your way down the corridor towards the containment room. You then found the entrance to the small hall space that surrounded the glass cage and walked inside. You stood there a few moments before the soldier realized the new presence in the room, and when he did you saw his face fill with anger.

"You..." He growled, staring at you dead in the eye, causing your hairs to stand up behind your neck.

"I am sorry, I didn't know they had this in mind. But it's for both our and your safety..." You said, trying to sound as non-threatening as possible.

He stared at you for a few moments, without so much as blinking, watching your every move. He was looking for any signs of deceit, he must have had a talent for it as much as he used it.

"You're Hydra aren't you..." He said,the sound of defeat in his voice.

"No, no of course not. I'm not really S.H.I.E.L.D either, I'm just... normal," you admitted, looking back at the soldier with a sort of disappointed look.

He was silent for another few moments before standing up and walking towards the glass. You stepped back, fully aware of the wall that separated you two, but you could never be too careful. He stopped in front of you, looking straight in your eyes, making you very uncomfortable, but you stood your ground. He was doing this to scare you, a kind of self defense to make himself in control, but you didn't let him, you just stared right back.

"Now that we gave you the answers that you were looking for, I have a few questions that need answering myself..." You said with your false stance of bravery.

He said nothing, only crossing his arms giving you a small nod in acknowledgment.

"I know this is extremely impolite, but I found this with your stuff as we searched for you...Who is this family? And why do you have it?" You asked, pulling out the funeral photo from your pocket showing it to him through the glass.

He leaned in for a closer look at the photo and quickly glaring up at your face, he was clearly unhappy.

"Look, I'm sorry. We were looking for any clue of where you had went..." You said, guilt rushing to your face.

"It's a reminder."

"What do you mean?"

"A reminder of regret, guilt, of what I haven't had in years. When I was the Winter Soldier, I killed... so many people... And I couldn't feel a damn thing..." He admitted, looking away from you.

"So, this family? They're a family of one of your victims?" You asked, and he just nodded in response, looking at the ground.

You walked over to the entrance of the room and opened the small slit in the door. You placed the photo through, before walking over to your previous spot. Bucky didn't move an inch as he watched you walk back, glancing back at the photo on the ground before the door.

"Sorry for taking your stuff..." You apologized.

That's when his look changed, it seemed to soften and looked a little confused.

"What?" You asked, acknowledging his change of expression.

"Nothing... It's just... you're not like the others..." He said, relaxing his shoulders.

"Well yeah, I'm not a super soldier or a government agent," you said in a joking manner.

That's when you saw him do something totally unexpected, he actually smiled. Well, it was more of a smirk but it still caught you off guard. Just when you were beginning to think he was unable to.

"What's your name?" He asked you with a curious expression.


"Nice to meet you, (y/n)," he said, his demeanor completely changed.

"Nice to meet you too, Bucky," you smiled at the progress you made.

"Anymore questions?" His smile faded as he receded back into his prisoner demeanor.

"Maybe another time. You need your rest... Good night," you said, walking towards the door.

You didn't want to continue with questions when you could end it on a good note. He nodded at you as you left. Looking back before leaving the room, you saw him walk over to the door, picking up the photo. You smiled to yourself as you left the soldier in his room.   

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