A Man Worth Saving

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You didn't know what had set him off, what did you say? You had to find out. So, you ran after the wanted criminal, though the busy streets of Brooklyn, which you were sure he knew better than you, so you had to keep him in sight. Who knew when the last time he rested or had eaten was, so you knew he couldn't have gotten far.

"Bucky! Wait!" You yelled after him, making your way through a crowd of people.

As you pushed through, you caught a glimpse of your target running into a closed construction building. Running towards the building, you felt a sharp pain in your side, causing you to slow for a moment and firmly grip your skin. The stitching of your wound wasn't completely healed and you decided to run after a highly trained assassin, good call. With a grunt, you held your wound with one hand and your gun with the other, making a less than threatening appearance, but you had no choice.

"Barnes! I'm not here to hurt you! I'm here for answers just as much as you are!" You yelled as you entered the small building.

You slowly walked down the hall when you heard heavy breathing in the room ahead of you. You turned the corner into a small room, filled with dust and paint cans. As you entered the room, you felt something hit you from behind, throwing you to the ground. You grunted, holding your now open wound tightly.

"Why won't you leave me alone!" He yelled.

"Hhhhh...cuz, I've seen this case all too often. I know what running away does to a person, and I've seen them crash and burn. And if I have the opportunity to stop that, then I am going to take it. We just want you safe, Steve wants you to be safe," you admitted backing away from the man, desperately looking for your gun.

"I don't want to hurt anyone else..." He said, looking at your side now soaked with blood, backing away, as if he was afraid of himself.

"You don't have to, we can figure this out just let me-" You were interrupted by Steve and Sam yelling your name.

Panic filled his eyes again as he looked at you before running into the hall, where he was immediately tackled by Steve. You got up quickly, running out the doorway into Sam.

"(Y/n), we need to get you out of here! It's not safe," Sam said as Steve held Bucky to the floor.

"We're doing it wrong, he needs answers, not a fight. Let me talk to him," you said, holding Bucky's tags out.

Sam and Steve looked at each other and looked at you before letting Bucky go. He looked up at you, his breathing heavy, you too took a deep breath, and knelt down to him holding out his tags.

"I have no idea how terrifying this must be for you, but we're going to need your help to get you answers. And we can't help you if you keep running away," you said, looking into his exhausted eyes, he looked as if he could pass out any second so you had to make this fast.

"You see these? They're YOUR tags, James Buchanan Barnes. These tags are a reminder of who you were, and I know you can't remember, but if Steve claims you are a man worth saving, well that's a good a word as any. And I know you carry the weight of all the years lost on your shoulders, but you aren't the only one, you may think you have to fight this war alone, but you can't. If you can't place your trust in anyone, place it in yourself. Trust yourself to make the right decision, your own decision..."

He looked at you dead in the eye, as if he could see your thoughts. He held the tags tightly in his hand, as he looked up at you, his face softening. A small smile appeared on your face, he finally had someone he could trust. Slowly he grabbed the wall, pulling himself off the ground. Just as he thought he had his balance, his knees gave out, and he passed out onto the floor in front of you.   

The Kind You Save (Winter Soldier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now