We All Have Secrets

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Bucky's P.O.V.

It was noon by the time (y/n) stepped out of the room, joining the rest of us. She did not look well, at all. Her eyes were surrounded in dark circles, her body language was exhausted. When she saw us in the main room, I saw her quickly put on a false smile, one I could see right through.

"Any better (y/n)?" Steve asked, holding some files in his hands.

"Oh, yeah. Just a little tired," she said, sitting down next to me.

Steve just nodded walking past us, looking through his files again. It completely went over his head, something was really wrong with (y/n) and he had no idea. But I could read through expressions like a book, or at least... Bucky could, so I guess that means I can. I was pretty lost in thought because I glanced over at (y/n) to see her looking at me, confused.

"I was just wondering if I could borrow a ride and... a gun?" She asked with a sly smile. The one that always caught my attention.

"Uh, why?" I asked, a smile creeping across my face.

"Because I'm a psycho and I'm going on a rampage," she said trying to hold back her smile as she eyed my expression.

"Right, right. Only if I can come along," I said, flashing her a smile.

Once we found the small handgun in Tony's 'office', (y/n) raced out and jumped into the front seat of the black van.

"Come on, I know you're like 80 but hurry up!" She said, honking the horn.

"98 actually, but who's counting?" I joked, hopping in shotgun.

She glanced over at me for a minute before turning away, a small smile crept across her lips. Did I have something on my face?

"What?" I asked, looking at her as she drove.

"Nothing, it's just nice... seeing you smile. It seems to come naturally to you," she said, avoiding eye contact.

I looked out the window, watching the buildings rush past us. Did I used to smile a lot? I don't feel like I did... But it feels nice.

"Where are we going anyways?"

"My place, if I'm staying at the tower I'll need a few things," she said, not taking her eyes of the road.

"What, no you can't go back there! It's too dangerous."

"Why do you think I brought a gun?" She said, lifting the gun up for me to see.

"How much training have you had with a gun exactly?"


If she was going to be hunted down by Hydra, she needed training. Maybe Steve could train her, he seemed to have a talent for talking to people... But that would have to wait for a better time.

"We're here, I just hope no one decided to rob me while I was gone."

I followed her as she climbed up the steps to her apartment, the area she lived in sure was different from Stark's tower. She took out her gun as she opened the door, peeking inside. She nodded to me as she walked inside, I made sure to stay close to her, I didn't need her to get into anymore trouble.

"It's clear, for now. I'll try to be quick," she said, walking around the apartment gathering what she needed.

I looked around the room when I noticed something.

"There's no photos in here. No family photos, picture of you," I stated, looking around the barren apartment.

"Oh, um... forgot to put them up."

There it was again, she put on her fake expression. What was she hiding? Did I want to find out? I watched her as she reached for something under her bed. She pulled out a small wooden box, I only got a glimpse before she quickly shoved it in her bag.

"I know you know," I said, crossing my arms.

"Know what?" She asked, standing up.

"When you're lying."

She was silent, not looking at me as she continued to gather her things into her bag. She obviously didn't want to talk about it, but I needed answers.

"Something's not right with you I can sense it. Is there anything you want to tell me?" I asked.

"No, I told you I'm just tired." She said, a hint of fear in her voice.

I didn't buy it for a minute, and she saw that.

"I don't have any," she admitted, facing my question.

"Any what?"

"Photos, I don't have any to put up..." she said, her eyes seemed distracted, like they were somewhere else.

"Why not? I thought you would at least have a few," I persisted.

"That's a story I'd rather not tell right now..." She said, bringing her bag towards the door.

She walked outside towards the car, when I stopped her by the arm.

"I'm worried about you, whether you accept it or not. But I understand if you don't want to tell me, we all need our secrets. Just know that I just want you to be safe and happy," I said, looking into her eyes, they seemed even more distant now.

She stood there frozen for a moment, she seemed so distracted. After I said that, I saw her eyes water.

"Thank you..." She said, rushing to the car.

Your P.O.V.

Bucky looked into your eyes, tilting his head like he always did. You wanted to scream the truth, about the voice controlling your mind, but you couldn't, not without it ending badly.

"Just know that I want you to be safe and happy," he said, looking straight into your thoughts.

Why was he saying this? He has only known you for a few weeks? But you still wanted to cry, no one has said that to you in so long.

(Well, this is interesting. This man is important to you isn't he? It would be a shame if anything were to happen to him...)

Your eyes began to water, the idea of something happening to him because of you completely crushed your soul. Without the strength to tell him how much that meant to you, you quickly thanked him and got inside the car.   

The Kind You Save (Winter Soldier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now