Part 1

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"teahyung are you out of your mind?? " yeji yelled at the drunk- out-of-his-guts-teahyung. 

'yes! so what ? you got a problem then u can leave ? miss yeji.choi' teahyung replied with slurred words not giving any care about the distressed one and going to his supposed room to sleep with the thoughts of the person who he thought he would grow old and would live a life with him through thick and thin. the person who left him with just a letter.- a letter of good bye and a message of  happy married life....(teahyung chuckled sarcastically to himself) how could jimin predict something which he himself know after a week.

left him. teahyung smiled a sad smile to him self remembering the person. 

the person who is reason for his present situation.

the person who he lost himself in....

the person who made his day once now left him not even giving him a damn reason...a reason to survive this life. 

his soulmate..........

his mochi........

his Jimin

an angel for everyone, a kind warm hearted person, only turned cold for him 

leaving him brutelly while giving him false hopes 

teahyung gone to sleep with his work clothes not even caring about changing them. a slight disturbance in sleep is nothing compared to the volcano that is burning in his heart and soul remembering his angel. jimin is his not even jimin can change that not even the god or anyone above can change that. jimin will always be his. 


'teahyung stop it. its enough you had a lot more than anyother day today'. namjoon said taking away the now empty glass of vodka form his brother-- well friend who he treat as his dongsaeng. who is falling into the pit of this deadly habits day by day. 

what hurts more is you can't do anything to stop your beloved person form self destructing themselves. 

"hyung am i not enough ? "teahyung asked looking pityful and near to have a breakdown any moment. 

'no teahyungie don't think like that. ok 'namjoon said trying to help the latter form the seat so they can leave this shitard place. 

"don't call me that hyung. only jiminie calls me that  you know. he calls me so softly as if i am something if touched hard would melt right away". teahyung talked thinking about how his jimin would call him while waking him up, or calling him to gain his attention. 


'that what your name is teahyung' namjoon said being done and feeling bad for the younger who is yet to recover form his heartbreak and tangled in a mess of marriage.

teahyung just giggling to that drunkly ask again." hyung am i not enough? do you think i am too silly?? hyung what should i do  to get my jimin back ??? do you know where jimin is now hyung.....?" teahyung started his questions which is asked daily just change in the way of sentences. 

and the tears that flowed though his cheeks proved the miserable and lonely feeling he is feeling without any need for words. namjoon only can see and try to lend a hand for his friend but can't do any thing. 

'somethings are just not for us teahyung . its just life'. namjoon said these words not knowing he just provoked the person who lost his sences in the intoxication of liquor.trying to  finding solace in this deadly habits which he lost.

"we are soulmates hyung. we are made for eachother. are't we? " 

"if there is some thing that is mean to be with me then its my minne . "

it's always you 💓💓vmin ff Short Story Where stories live. Discover now