part 14

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Teahyungie listen ..

Yes baby.....

If only if someone said that you can only spend one day with who you love how would you spend it then.

Why are you asking that?

Nothing , Just like that   (jimin shrugged his shoulders) .....

Then what's with 'person you love ' you know that's you minnie.....and one day won't be enough I want a life time and even more

I want to enjoy the first snow together every time........

I want to enjoy the spring with you every time......

I want to go on endless rides with you........

I want to go on dates, like so many.....

I want to this beautiful being valentine for  every lover's day.........

I want to wake up every morning with you in my arms......

I wanna watch the moon and the stars......

I want to hear your silly stories.....

I want to do so many things

I want to see you blush every time I complement you..

I want to see the stars in your eyes all over my life.....

I want to fall in love with you again and again every day just the way I fell for you since I saw you......

I want to marry you and have a family one day

They are so many ( teahyung ended his monologue with a pout)

it's always you 💓💓vmin ff Short Story Where stories live. Discover now