Part 24

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             the whole hospital room is filled with the soft morning glow as the white curtains make sure to not let the harsh light enter into the room  making the couple who are cuddled cozy in the bed stir. teahyung was the first one to woke and open his eyes. which was blessed with the most beautiful site he craved to woke up to all these days. a soft sigh escaped his lips as he traced his fingers across his jiminie face. his favorite marshmellow cheeks a bit hallow making his skit his eyes. as he traced the eye lashes thick and long. as he come down booping his button nose as his traced his lips.  as  a sudden pain cursed though his finger. 

awwvvvv..... teahyung whined as the   moment teahyung finger come in contact with his lips jimin opened his mouth biting on it harshly. making teahyung hiss as he take away his finger as whinned at the pain. as jimin giggled at teahyung. a cheeky naughty smile taken place on jimin face as teahyung pouted at jimin as he bent down a little taking jimin surprise as he bit on cheek which was available near. this time it is jimin turn to whine as he closed his eyes while he pinched teahyung nipple though his hospital dress as teahyung retreated cheeks red  making jimin smirk as his cheeks are cherry pink . 

good morning mr. teatea shi.  jimin said still his playfull smile full force as teahyung cutely glared at him with his semi bread cheeks.

good morning you minne devil  in  disguise of angle. teahyung said dramatically making jimin giggle at him as  teahyung smiled at him as he himself giggled a bit. 

that is a long nickname. don't you think. jimin said pinching his cheeks as teahyung as playfully push it off. But a sudden clapping sound made them both flinch at the loud sound by their friends who invited themselves who knows how long before. making them turn their heads at them who are looking at them with a glare which was full of fondness to refer it as a glare, as they are fighting back the smile which was blooming at their lips while jungkook was silently crying as kim soo eun was trying her best to console while awkwardly standing there the way she couldn't keep her legs straight gave that away even tho she tried to keep her face straight. well it was funny to see jungkook cry tho.

you see this joon-ah , we were worried shit about this two shits about how these are going to get back but here these are biting each other and having fun. wahhhh.... jin said as he sarcasm spilling while he clapped his hands shaking his head.

I don't think we want to see these dorks any other way.  Hoseok said rolling his eyes.

Yeah. If not being cheesy they will start crying and make everyone cry with them. It us better like this. Jin said again while looking at them with a teasing grin adoring his face.

I think we should be grateful as these two didn't fuck here hyung ..don't you think. Yoongi said as jin laughed at the couple who are turning red and jimin just decided to make teahyung as a cover as he hide at his neck.

Do you want us to leave and give you guys some privacy jimin shi. Jungkook said as he come over his rollercoaster of emotions and and decided to tease the couple too.

Ugghhh...Jungkook you lost your one brain cell. Hyung why should I am the only o e being teased jungkook also got himself girlfriend. See how he is attached to hip with poor soo eun. Jimin said as he saw jungkook and soo eun turned red from the sudden attention on them.

Well  well I don't know our kookie has grown up. I still remember him asking me for a can of banana milk and whining about it. Now he got a girlfriend himself and a pretty one. Jin teased throwing a wink at the couple as jungkook whined enough to make everyone laugh

"Everything is just where it have to be"
Namjoon thought to himself as he was grateful that teahyung trust in his love never wavered nor thought about moving on, if he was namjoon know they could never have been the same.

every one are just happy. after a long time after all the  drama they are all together again. with a new member adding to the family kim soo eun if everything go right. they saw how she taken the stand for the situation and taken care of jungkook.

while everyone was teasing the couple teahyung was busy trying to find a good position to cuddle jimin as well as the baby at the same time. but the small bed was giving him tough time  as he started to make annoyed sound at the back of his throat. while teahyung was busy jin moved to the bed side as he twisted his ear making him cry out loud. 

you shit. how dare you to disrespect me huh. and stop torturing jimin and the baby just because you are desperate you useless cousin of mine.  jin said while teahyung just settled with a 'whatever' as he rolled his eyes. cause now what ever he say will make his ear to fall off. 

 as the room filled with laughter of all of theirs. a pure genuine one. 


yes  i know its a small chapter. but hey! in my defence i got no time. 

love you lots.  and update after a week or so as i got a new assignment to complete .(⓿_⓿)..(o′┏▽┓`o) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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