Part 6

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Hey teahyung! 

Hey Joon hyung

why are you gate keeping the college. Said namjoon who was coming to college with yoongi.

Don't you have any classes in the morning brat - yoongi Slathered with a flick on teahyung forehead making him hiss.

Hyungie if you roam around me like this would you get your degree. No right. Then stop don't pry into my love life. Teahyung said not in a mode to argue not knowing he is starting a new one by disrespecting his hyungs.

What love life Brat how dare to disrespect your hyungs huh. Do you want me to chop off your ears or what.    Suga said not liking how teahyung is disrespecting them.

Hyung leave him. Teahyung definitely on his periods today. Btw did you see jimin and jungkook today.  Namjoon asked the pouting one  who while rubbing his ears

I didn't see them . That's why I am here waiting for them.  Teahyung said

Hai guys.  What's  plan for today  jungkook said coming towards the group like a hyperactive bunny along with hoseok who he met at the corner cafe'.

Where is jimin kook I didn't see him since yesterday.  namjoon asked wondered

He catch cold last night and have slight fever I think. That's why he didn't come. Maybe .  Jungkook said like it's not a big deal looking at teahyung

What? How is he doing now. And what do you mean by maybe. ??  teahyung asked

No I don't. He only messaged this morning that he catch cold. I didn't see him personally so I don't know anything other than what jimin told me. Jungkook replied

Stupid dumb idiot %&$#/&^$%^   ...  they heard teahyung cursing but couldn't make it clear what he is mumbling under his breath but any one who hae brain can say teahyung is cursing jungkook for his neglect behaviour over jimin.

I am leaving. I got some work. Dad asked me to come. Bye guys. Teahyung said wearing his helmet and jumping over his bike and disappeared like a dust.


Teahyung arrives at dorms faster than ever and reach for jimin's room which is 209-A.

Teahyung was shocked to see the room room unlocked and jimin tangled up in the bedsheets on couch with television on playing cartoons with a chocolate bar at one hand hanging down.

Teahyung was shocked to see the room room unlocked and jimin tangled up in the bedsheets on couch with television on playing cartoons with a chocolate bar at one hand hanging down

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