Part 23

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the night arrived  as jimin is still in the same seat not even bulging as he tried to grasp the situation. teahyung is here , still unconscious from the anesthesia given to him as he needed rest.  he was revealed that teahyung didn't  get into any serious accident as he hit the right side the road and a few scraches here and there but he hurt his forehead to the steering wheal. Moreover what amazes doctor is that teahyung had come out of his coma stage fast enough making all of them reveal. jimin was so scared to even think of any possibility happening to teahyung. once every thing is set  jimin know he has a lot to do with explanation what he had done in past. he felt the weight of his impulsive decision after seeing teahyung in this state. he saw him a lot of times in the magzanies and all he always felt something odd. he saw how his teahyung lost his sparkle in his eyes, he saw how teahyung lost weight, he saw how he lost himself but he was always assured by jungkook who said teahyung is doing just fine. he shouldn't have believed in him. teahyung  was going through hell  while he was still in his delusional thoughts of thinking teahyung was fine. his train of thoughts came to halt when he felt a rough hand siege his own in its grip gentle yet firm. as he saw teahyung eyelashes battling softly against eachother. the dim light in the room making his looks soft. 

jiminah - teahyung called softly as jimin rose form his chair to inch closer for the better hearing. his hand moving without his concious caressing teahyung cheek a soft murmur of hummm coming out of his mouth. 

sleep here jiminah  teahyung said as he showed the empty side of his bed with patting the bed to make a point. as jimin just shaked his head.

that would be discomforting to you teahyungie, you should sleep some more. jimin said a faint but beautiful smile adoring his face as he senced the utter care teahyung posses for him. 

his ever so caring teahyungie ....

it won't . it will be if you didn't come ... pls..... it-its been so long since i felt you. i just want to hold your hand while sleeping. can we do that teahyung soft murmur faded in thin air but the weight of his words hung high in the room. jimin felt it. the immense sad ness teahyung had in his heart. how much he had suffered. the way teahyung eyes shone with tiredness but the anticipation was there. as jimin sat on the edge of the bed the side which didn't have much injuries to not hurt him unconsciously . teahyung scooted a bit to make space enough as jimin setteled in the bed as teahyung   took jimin hand interwining it with his own. while caressing it with his thumb. a small smile taking place  in the corner of teahyung lips as he saw their hands together a one, a assuring squeez  jimin gave make him look at his face. 

are you not going to sleep teahyung ah. jimin asked in a soft murmur as teahyung removed his oxygen mask switching it off as he took a breath of jimin fragrance that is lingering in the conceided room. 

don't want too. i want to see you until i ensure myself that you are not my  plague  imagination. teahyung said with dreamy eyes as he slowly raised his hand to cup jimin face. as jimin held tehyung hand which is cupping his face as he slowly caressed it with the same dreamy look. as he suddenly felt the impulse to talk his mind. as he decided to come clean to teahyung. he know it is not the right time. but right time will never come if he doesn't man up now  and clear the ridge that he made in their relationship. 

i - emmm i am sorry teahyungah.....i am sorry for leaving you like that.  teahyung slightly frowned as he interrupted jimin  as he took a deep breath as if preparing himself. 

you left me because you thought i cheated on you right? . jiminah is that why you left like that. i wish. i wish you had conforted me and maybe hit me and curse me instead on leaving like that.. i am sorry jimin for making it seem like that. maybe if you thought i  crossed the line. teahyung said as he took a moment to observe jimin as he continued again.  i would never do that to you ....for us..... she was nothing but a school mate and business partner to me. i should have been more careful . i wish i told you all this before so all this would not have happened.  will you pls forgive for this time?  teahyung said as he kissed the back of jimin hand he was holding sighing softly afterwards. as he saw jimin softly shook his head. 

i know you enough and love you to the point i know my teahyungie won't do that to me. i am well aware of your loyality  teatea. i - there is more of it i have to say to you. ........ pls listen. you remember the last day of my uni exam right? jimin asked making teahyung nod softly. making jimin continue what he want to say. that day i saw your dad in our home. he- he threatened me to leave you. he said that all i am going to do is drag you down and he said if we stayed together i gonna make you an orphan like m-me.  teahyung felt his heart  sank at the relavation of harsh words what his so called father had said to his baby. as he felt  the rage fill him. 

but-but i wanted to stay with you , i don't want to break up with you . so he gave me photos of you with your w-wife.  reffering  some one else as teahyung wife made jimin felt like crying.  but before jimin continue teahyung interupted yet again to correct him.

she is not my wife jimin . a mere business patner who was desperate to change her sername. that's all in it. we are no married. what made you think that i will marry someone who is not you. didn't i made it obvious  enough  for you. teahyung said as he caught the tear that slipped jimin eyes as he shuffled  forward a bit to place a peak at his forhead. making jimin grip his hand hard. 

i -- i thought so. jimin said with light smile. as teahyung stayed there close making their forehead touch in a silent reassurance. 

tell me what happened later jimin ah. i want to know everything. i want to know what you have gone tho.  teahyung softly murmured as he locked his eyes with jimin.

the same day jungkook visited me and we got to know that i - i am p-pregnant. i- i was so scarred about the baby and ---but jimin words were cut as teahyung who was shocked to even move asked in a higher tone than they are talking making jimin flinch at the sudden change in the environment and air around them. 

wha-what say that again jiminah say it pls. you are what. teahyung asked with a excited yet anxious tone with wide eyes making jimin gulp down the next words he is saying. as he slowly took the hand he was holding all this while to his baby bump still maintaining eye contact with teahyung as he saw how teahyung become teary eyed but a soft but wide smile adoring his face a genuine one making jimin heart flutter. oh how much jimin missed this feeling. teahyung making his heart flutter. 

i am sorry jiminah.... i wasn't there. i wasn't there when you are going through all this alone. i wasn't with you taking care of you. i am-  but before teahyung continue his words jimin placed his lips against teahyungs chapped one making his halt as he closed his eyes. he missed it. he missed so much jimin being close to him. 

enough. don't be sorry  to things you have never done teatea ah. it was me who took   it away form you. we are in this together. jimin said making teahyung nod at jimin smiled at him.

 i love you lots teahyungie...........jimin said in murmuring tone  making teahyung return his peak with a kiss .how long he waited to hear those 5 words form his jimin. 

i love lots more than ever........i love you too my sweet little baby in my baby tummy. teahyung said to jimin and the baby making jimin cuckle at his words. 

the two lovers shared their own stories and talked as long they can before sleepiness consume their eyes taking them together into the dreamland, hands still holding each other strongly and teahyung one hand holding jimin tight against his chest as jimin hand is still holding teahyung face as one can see jimin thumb finger lightly caressing his cheek  once in a while in his sleep.


.... hi there lovely readers. how is the chapter. well let me tell you this chapter was tough for me to write as  i don't want to make it awkward. 

and i just found something. u know 'love me again' teahyung song really fit some part of the story don't you guys think soo. i kind of listening to it yesterday and it kind of clicked to me and now i can't unsee it. try it if you want. when jimin left teahyung. and that part really sink with the song... don't tell me i am the only one that think soo..

i am sorry if this chapter didn't turned out the way you guys wanted. 

.(*≧︶≦))( ̄▽ ̄* )ゞo(〃^▽^〃)oლ(╹◡╹ლ)

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