part 13

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The morning came with a gloomy feeling that day..... even waking up from the bed was a chore for teahyung. As he continued to search for his min to cuddle just so he could escape from the world and  stays in his dream land....




Teahyung shouted, whined.and  Decided to get out of the bedroom to kitchen thinking his minnie abonded him for the kitchen.  He left while pouting so jimin will know how much he upseted his boyfriend for leaving him alone....

Teahyung searched...
And searched

Searched all over the house more like penthouse while sometimes calling him sometimes shouting as more time passes the more teahyung panicked as jimin never leaves him without a notice as he knows he (teahyung) will  always panics and loses his mind when he was uninformed about his boyfriend........

As teahyung again went inside their bedroom to make a call before his mind came up with anything. But he come across a paper ..


A paper?

a letter in particular with a neat handwriting .   Fuck! That was crazy!  Teahyung thought as he messed his already messed bed hair as he take the letter.





Hey teahyungie! 

Did you wake up.... I made breakfast as per  your liking please eat......




Will you hate me after reading    this?

I know you will.....

I hate myself for doing this to you.....


I don't know how to say this. I am sorry.  I know  this will not be enough.

What  am I even saying........

Teahyung if I can I would spend my whole life and after, if there is.

with you....

Your the precious treasure I got .....

My one and only....

Teahyungie I..... I am leaving


I am taking something precious to you with me.....I will take care of it.....


I know it doesn't make sense..... I don't know what I am doing either..... but this is the only way I have........  

I am selfish..... sorry bear


But sometimes you have to take some decisions even when you know you are making a mistake. A remorse for life. But I can't risk

I am a coward to risk what I have...
I am scared... If I lose once, my fortune will never allow me to make the things right........ I will never get what I I am running away from it......

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