Part 22

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the hospital corridor which is across the room teahyung in is filled with jin worrying over him, while jungkook was still sitting at the same spot crying as the others are yet to arrive and will be able to reach the hospital any moment as they informed the others as well. the doctors who are still inside the icu didn't come out not even once making them scared about the outcome.

after what felt like 30 minutes yoongi along with hoseok and namjoon arrived at the hospital with worried faces as they hurried to their friends side to console them their best. roughly after 10 minutes doctor come outside making them rush to the doctor to know about their friend.

jin : how is his condition right now dr. ?

dr. : mr. kim i think you can understand the condition of the patient more . as you are a docter yourself. he seems mentally disturbed and much fragile compared to the wounds that are form the accident. we tried our best to make the patient out of danger. but for his recovery we have to keep him close to the person named minnie he has been calling out for. and one more thing he is in temporarily in coma due to the affect of anesthesia. but pls i hope you contact the minnie and make him understand the situation and bring him here.

jin : dr. i - we don't think it is possible to make the person come here now. he has been missing since 5 months or so. is there any other way to help teahyung recover.

jin asked trying to think of other ways to keep his cousin safe. cause he can't help but feel responsible for the accident cause if he didn't call him at all he wouldn't be in this situation. while other members are still in shock form hearing the situation they are in . feeling helpless and sympathized towards teahyung as he is still yearning for love while jimin was no where to be seen. as they can't help but grow angry on jimin. but before anything jungkook next words make every one in the room shocked and surprised.

jk: i - i w-will bring jimin hyung here. pls take care of tea hyung. saying so jungkook started running form there not waiting for the reply from others as he was tooo scared to think of any thing all he wanted now was his hyungs his family to be healthy and safe.......

the way jungkook ran almost imediately right after knowing that jimin is needed made everyone confused and conflicted about the younger's reaction. but they just decided to stay quite and wait for jungkook to do what he want to do. as they helplessly stayed there while looking at teahyung form the see through glass of the hospital door. they felt a dull pain in their throat to see their once bubbly friend becoming like this.







by waiting outside the door of the room no one ever thought was to see a running jimin with his hand suppoting his supposly large belly with a girl accompaniyng him and jungkook along with them.

could that be possible for that. In less than 40 minutes jimin who all of them are desperately trying to reach over past 5 months was running in fornt of them with tears streaming his face as he just ran straight into the special ward teahyung was kept in. they are tooo shcoked to stop him and too confused to understand the situation tooo. but they just turned their heads towards the boy who is mankae of their group silently asking for an explanation for what ever happened in the last 5 minutes.

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