part 15

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It was only a week passed as teahyung living in the misery of his love left him..... his hyungs were there helping him to cope up with the reality. But no one actually knows the reason behind jimin's decision of leaving teahyung and their relationship with out a word..... even tho it was rather weird for a sensible guy like their little friend to do that. Jimin has always been the empathetic person with love that can be shared with every living being which in need...

It was the 8 th day as teahyung was still isolated and found solace in their bedroom with memories of their love that blossomed ... in the reverie of reality teahyung was lost. The fine day Mr kim personal secretary Mr jung has welcomed himself inside into the house in the name of following his boss order.....after 5 minutes he come back and teahyung followed suit with his formal attire but the dark circles under his eyes and a pale life less face was contradicted to his strong and handsome physique, even a person with zero knowledge about emotions can say that the said person is emotionally deprived and seemed lost in maze fate played with ....






You have to teahyung, this is how life works, this world works. You won't be stuck where you lost track. You were distracted due to your impulsive young age.... you better marry miss yuji and be a obedient son you always have been..... Mr kim stated as if decree was made which should be followed by every one. A tone of cruelty, and unsympathetic, a typical arrogance was seen in the way he spoke making people attentive to his words. Mr. kim is a person who summoned dominance with every word he uttered.

I do not agree to this father. I am not a toy or a thing for you to put on a sale and sell to a profitable price. I am person.... teahyung was interrupted even before he voiced his thoughts about the marriage. He felt sore from the thoughts of marriage. This is not how he planned to spend his days.... never. He never thought he would be here in a situation of being a product to seller like how they do to things in market. No. He wanted to marry a person who he loves and live with the said person in their penthouse which was gifted by his mother. He wanted to live the dream he always wished as a teenager. He wanted to experience The love and how his mother told love is all about. He want to do it with jimin not anyone else.

But, you do k ow how your mother always wanted to explore our business to countries right..... you remember how your mother died teahyung while going to meet the delights of London to expand our business. It is like her last wish. I think it is your duty to do that teahyung. By marrying miss yuji you not only get a lovely wife but also can achieve your mother's dream.... think about it. A wide smirk was placed as Mr Kim knows that he used the ultimate weapon his mother. It is all fair in business to play with people weakness. As long as you achieve success it doesn't matter

But fa- teahyung was once again interrupted

It is only for 6 months even after you don't want to be in this marriage you can diverse her the contract will be over. What do you say? Mr. kim knows how he have to use words and he is sure they are working on his son..

What teahyung you can't do this much for your mother last wish. What a pity that your mother must feel to have a son like you.... tsk. tsk

I will. But don't expect a wedding. I only sigh a contract and there will be no official announcement, no nothing, I do not marry her with vows, I only give her my surname, and she do not enter my home. After 6 months there will be no relationship between us and I can terminate the contract when I want.

Teahyung stated with a glint of coldness in his eyes as they shimmered with determination and pain.


There.... I made my son sigh those for you and now singh your contract. I hold no responsibility anymore. It's all your work to make my son fall for you.... Mr Kim said to yuji who have a bright smile on her face

Its a deal


Not proofread


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