part 9

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                  Sun ray's are softly fallen on the couple who are still living in their dream land tangled up together.  Teahyung is sleeping on above  jimin heart while holding his waist in a strong grip.  It was jimin who woke first up. But he can't even move his single limb as teahyung has really strong hold on him.

After struggling a lot jimin come out of the room after bathing.  Jimin is completely covered in love bites. Teahyung even bite his cheek yesterday which looks as if jimin played with a wild cat.





Jimin was making pancakes when he felt teahyung hug him from behind.

Good morning jiminie!!  - kth

Good morning teahyung.  - jm

Where's my morning kiss.-kth said with a pout waiting for his kiss .

I don't know and breakfast is ready. Btw you are late to office...... - jm said giving cold shoulder to teahyung.

Minnie why are you talking like that.....-kth said with a pout.

I don't understand what you're saying teahyung...- jm said trying to control his laugh cause teahyung was looking at him with puppy eyes.

Minnie if you're angry- teahyung was cut off by jimin

I have morning class. Pls eat your breakfast....teahyung hyung....-jm said

Minnie pls.. I am sorry......I was coming to home and meet her in our company building.  She was my classmate in high school.  - Kth said

Why were you drunk that much than.  Do you even know how you come home. And atleast you could have call me tell that you are going to come late. But no. You were very much busy said angrily....what if it was a bad person yesterday and jimin can't imagine what would have happened.

It won't happen again.  I swear teahyung said showing peace sign....
But all he drink on the restaurant was just orange juice and he don't know how he got drunk even.  Teahyung just decided to leave it.  Not dreading on a thought to much.



     It's been two weeks since teahyung and jimin have the small fight.  And after it jimin have to prepare for exams and teahyung become super busy. They are living like robots.....




Jimin was finally feel like he was free as he completed his exams and teahyung ......


. Teahyung is out side Korea  in America  as he have to meet with some company partners. Teahyung might return tomorrow if everything goes right.

When jimin comes home from the exam centre  he is scared to see their home door open. It was password door so it was impossible to open. Jimin entered into the living room and light on  the switch to see if anyone are their. 

Who are you??

Me? I am your boyfriend teahyung father. Kim Jong young .

Ohh. It-its nice to m-meet you sir. Jimin can't help but shutter due to his sudden appearance.  Who would have thought he will summon in their home like that.

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