Part 19

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the days have been more stressful to teahyung as yuji executed her shameless behaviour on owning teahyung. the days are dragged as friday arrived as it was the day teahyung have to leave for busan for his project. not only that he can actually get some peace out this hell of a so called marriage and responsibilities even tho he is going on a business meeting he have this unknown giddy ness in his heart. 




as the morning of the friday arrived teahyung find himself in front of his and jimins shared memories which was personally designed album by jimin himself according to their liking as their memories were always cherished by their friends too who doesn't miss to capture them. They are so many pics of theirs from 3 years including when they were still friends and when they were in their start of the relationship, some pics are their sneaked kiss in the hallway of their uni taken by their hobi hyung and some form teahyung teasing jimin as his minnie is pink looking like a strawberry deagu some were photos of their prized possesion of each other sleeping pics as teahyung can't resist the sleeping jimin charms... and some from their little trip and many more but one thing has changed everytime teahyung see them. it was always this nostalgic feeling but  now there will be a pang of pain which curse his heart. as he feel all that left was him in the darkness after loosing his only light. was it only him or jimin was also feeling the same. maybe more than him. he doesn't know but he can feel it. feel the pain of his other soul crying and reaching for him. he hopes to clear all this clouds which is being a rift, for him to reach out for his moon. was there a way maybe a sigh he is missing out on.  which leads to stop his misery and the angels grant him his home. 






at office:

 "what do you mean you have to leave? just go to my father's office get me the damn file you dumb. '' teahyung shouted on his secretary who was being ridiculous today. 

sir please understand sir. i have to leave as my wife is in hurry to go to hospital as she is pregnant  i really appolozize for being unproductive for now sir. .. his secretary said as he wouldn't stop bowing showing how much sincere he is being as the man voice shaking form the wait of the situation he is in. 

but you do understand that i have leave to busan mr.lee teahyung said as he raised his one brow while he is looking as intimidating as a demon. 

s-sir you can collect- the f-file on the way too sir. his secretary shuttered while closing his eyes. knowing very well that the demon is going to spit fire on his now. but god above. the demon chosed to just sigh and leave the poor soul alone after almost burning his peace.

 whatever mr.lee. just take care of the office while in my absent and be attentive to the emails and send the important files, and more over don't hesitate to contact me if any problem arises . understood. teahyung said as he slid his blazer in to his slender form. 

yes sir. mr lee said bowing again as teahyung step out of the office making the shaken man take a breath of relief. 






teahyung entered his father's office as everyone bowed to their young master. teahyung just nodded at them making his way towards his father's chamber not minding them. but he stopped in his track as he heard some one is already in the chamber. as his father's loud voice was resonated in the hallway of the main chamber. 

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