Part 20

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is there some thing that i still have to know teahyung roared as he stepped on the broken glass making it broke to the tiny pieces just like his heart. as he stared at his so called shame of a father in his eyes with his blood shot eyes.

tea-teahyung both of them whispered at the same time as stepped back as teahyung intimidated the entire aura of the room with his deadly gaze.

yes enlight your son on what more you have done to achieve the so called profit you're so proud of.. please narrate how you ruined your son life so that you can bath in your money. teahyung said as he make slow steps towards his father as he knocked off the vase adoring table as it cut his hand nerve making it bleed but who can understand the bleeding heart inside teahyung which was burning with hatred, betray, anger, ........... 

teahyung comedown your not thinking straight. yuji said as she grabbed teahyung's arm in her tight grip as teahyung turned his head at her in inhuman speed jerking it with such immortal strength making her lose balance as he grabbed her neck with the same hand..

you ! how dare of you to do that to my jimin. you want my jimin to suffer. right. right!?then you deserve to fucking die. you bitch.... teahyung said with gritted teeth as menace ness dripped form his voice tightening his grip around yuji neck  making her loose her breath as she coughed while punching teahyung on his hand which was so fetal to even protest as teahyung throw her on the ground which was filled with the broken glass as a loud cry of pain escaped her mouth....

teahyung behave loud wail resonated the room but can be seen it was filled with such a fear that his voice betrayed the old man too. 

you... what have you told my jimin ? what did you do to him. tell me I SAID TELL ME NOW....teahyung shouted making them flinch at his deep demonic voice as was visibly shaken form the impact of his son voice. 

I SAID TELL ME NOW...teahyung in a shift move take a step forward as he gripped his father neck making his turn pale form the strength of his son who didnot even hesitate. 

WE MADE HIM LEAVE YOU.... w-we made him leave you by showing our pics which was taken by my man in our business trip and made him think you are cheating him on his back.... teahyung pls  ........pls teahyung don't do this ... we are married teahyung i - i love you pls ....pls leave him and be with me yuji said as she looked up at teahyung as she sobbed hard on floor...

why? why appa ?why would you do this to me ? do you hate me that much.....teahyung asked in a whisper as he looked at his father in eye which showed how much pain he is going though. how much sad he is ,,,, how much broken his son is because of his doings as a tear slipped form his eyes too.... as a weak sorry leave his mouth making teahyung loose his grip as he turned around to leave but he stopped in fornt of yuji as stated. 

 i want you sigh the divorce paper by evening and leave it in my office and never show your face ever again. if you i might kill you the very instint...

all that heard in the room was yuji cries with loud wailing...........

may be it was the end of our story  yuji thought in her heart as she saw teahyung leaving with heavy heart..........






teahyung was just sitting inside his car as he cried hard over the fact that his own father betrayed him. and he was never know about it all this time.he was framed as a cheater by his own father ,a friendship he thought was selfless but she was a cunning fox who was waiting for a damn time all the while.....he was  fooled all the while by everyone He was here like a victim but his jimin was somewhere unknown thinking he was cheated on while being away from him.a low whispers of jimin ah  showed how hurt teahyung was... a helpless call for his beloved to shield him from reality .... a hug of comfort from his lover...maybe a words of affirmation ......all the loud cries shuffled down after what felt like 15 minutes as his phone flashed his jin hyung name making teahyung accept  his call.....

hello hyung ... teahyung said in a groggy voice 

hello teahyung..guess what.  i think i found something related to jimin... jin said and almost shouted on the other hand making teahyung breath hitch at the said words.....

what hyung .    is it true  tell me hyung ..... t-tell me . What is it....

As you know I had to leave busan right. But the hospital I work have jimin file that states he is in busan teahyung and one more thing he is pre-
But before he can say anything he cut by teahyung who left no choice to him know the news...

where is he now..... pls. Can you send me th address pic hyung ........ a sod left teahyung mouth as his voice filled with desperation...

he is in busan teahyung............

Right after hearing that teahyung started his car as it raced towards his teahyung remembered his time with jimin as his heart raced at the thoughts of being a cheater in his  jiminie thoughts. He could never be able to live of with that feeling of a cheater. A tear trailed down by his face as his eyes filled with determination focused on reaching busan as fast as he could so he could have his jimin again in his arms....


Guess what I updated even though the target is not completed but that doesn't mean I would update next one not before the completion of target votes tho. 15 votes if you want update.....its up to you guys 👽

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