part 11

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What are we gonna do now ?

Jungkook and jimin left from the park knowing the danger that is  surrounding them. It was almost 7:30  PM and the sky looked like there is no light in the sky. It is completely dark which made the stars to shine brightly.

The air of paranoid silence covered both friends who are feeling as if they are at the edge of cliff hanging to a slight rope....

Jimin haven't talked a word all this time. Not a word have come out of his mouth which wouldn't close when he is with jungkook not even when he was scared to be rejected or being toyed by teahyung....he complained about him being too much handsome and for being a playboy (which he is not) and what not........ jimin is a person who needs to Express his thoughts if not he only makes matters worse by thinking too much..

It was past the casual dinner time and jungkook had to take care of two babies now 1. His stupid best friend 2. His nephew

Jungkook haved a sigh. He become an adult very fast. In like a span of seconds he was enjoying his youthfulness and want to meet his bestie but now he become an uncle soon enough over an noon. Life is really unpredictable.....

He goona be a Uncle soon.........

Kookie Uncle......

Jungkook Uncle.......

Shit that sounds so old and didn't match at all.

He will make his nephew to call him by his name

Jungkook decided to make a salad with the fruits present in the kitchen not wanting to disturb him........

Min eat this - jungkook said putting the bowl in front of jimin who was looking at the photos in front of the tea pie and that's when jungkook actually had seen the pictures of teahyung with a girl...........

What the fuck is this? What is this shit head doing with this clone girl? Is he cheating on you? I will kill him.........minnie what the fuck is actually happening.... and why am I not updated about anything any more? What are you even thinking....tell me if he is cheating on you I will make him regret even born.

Kookie calm down will you....

You want me to calm down.... have you lost your brain or what.... you want to die by his dad.. I feel like I shouldn't have let you be with him from the start...... does he even care about you any more..... I should've been more careful about you . jungkook was so stressed that he feel like pulling his hair why does his have to be in such a situation..

I don't think he is cheating on me.....

Your blind by your love for him..if so , who is she then?

She.... well if I am not wrong she is the girl who is teahyung high school friend...... she dropped tea home once he gotten so drunk while coming home...then jimin stopped saying anything well that's all if he remembered clearly teahyung didn't even said she is their business partner even

Then what about this photos ..... the background doesn't even match Korea.... what do you explain to that....what is she doing in America with him then. Is she his business partner  then do you know she is the business partner ? If she is? Huh ? Jungkook asked raising his eyebrow visibly irritated by his friend blind trust in teahyung.

I don't know but-

Stop it min. Think about yourself once. What do you want to do? Die here with your child not even letting the baby see the world. Do you wanna risk it all right? Then do it. But don't cry after you lose everything with your own hands..... jungkook was enraged not knowing the depth of his words... but instantly regretted it seeing jimin crying a silent cry of despair cause of cruelty he is facing now....

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