part 3

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"Say what again " teahyung asked yoongi wide eyed cause he never thought he would have competition with in his friend group. No he is not letting it happen ..jimin is his. Will be. Always .....

'I think he has took a liking towards jimin-' yoongi said shrugging enjoying the unfold drama infront of his eyes.

"Like a friend- friend right. Ofcourse nothing else - now all the other guys are trying to fight back their laugh due to teahyung's expressions assuring him self. Poor boy but they decided to help jimin cause the baby of thjeir group losing his small brain over if teahyung really showing interest in him romantically or just being clingy planaticaly.

What are you 5 years . Ofcourse jungkook like him romantic and stuff I think they are even going on a date cause it's weekend near. Said hoseok adding fuel to fire.

Awwww they make such a cute pair. - namjoon said doing hand gestures like folding and unfolding them.

They make cause they are stupid - duh - said yoongi smirking.

They-they are as a couple - teahyung said with red face eyes filled with fury he even considered kidnapping jimin to keep him for himself and to no one.

Nah- but soon to be . I am rooting for them. - said hobi eyeing teahyung with a knowing smile.

I have some work to do bye guys.... - teahyung said leaving him. Searching for jimin to see him once before leaving his supposed lecture so he could be able to calm his raging heart.

But he shouldn't have cause there is jimin giggling sweetly and teasing him playing with his hands and the seen left a pang in his heart.

JIMIN teahyung yelled without even knowing he is raising his voice making jimin flinch at the sudden increase in voice.

Yes teahyungie- jimin responded coming out of the class so ue could avoid further misunderstandings cause his class members are looking with hawk eyes who won't when the greek god teahyung was there is full length showing his/ aggressive,furrowed face/handsomeness . What can they say !

Teahyung was loss of words cause he didn't even realise calling jimin. It came out of his mouth with out his realising.

Weelll- I- that - teahyung shutter making jimin giggle teahyung almost forgot the reason of his existence. Such a beautiful sound to get lost in.

Don't you have a class now tea hyung- jimin asked.

Yeah . I just want to ask u if u are free today evening after college we will go for a movie. - teahyung proposed the idea hoping for the best .

No teahyung hyungie sorry . I have dance practice with hobi hyung and kookie. - we planned this for a week now . - jimin said using an ultimate weapon puppy eyes

 - jimin said using an ultimate weapon puppy eyes

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Okay:( if you say so. Then how about this weekend . - teahyung asked feeling irritated and sad looking like a lost baby well why waste your charming skills when you have plenty of it.

(I - I) jimin felt as if he is going blind with this much of cuteness while chanting 'not these eyes'

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(I - I) jimin felt as if he is going blind with this much of cuteness while chanting 'not these eyes'. Over and over again .

Hyungie can we three go to carnival this weekend then. If you want. - jimin

We??? Three? - teahyung asked

Yeah you,me and kookie. - jimin said with a foolish smile having no idea he is lighting up a volcano in teahyung

Why does ur every plan indulge jungkook huh..... but whatever I ask you will have a plan . U don't even want to spend time with me anymore. Am I boring you jiminie. teahyung asked at the edge of feeling betrayed and lost cause what ever he do jimin have no time to spend with him not even giving him attention anymore.

 teahyung asked at the edge of feeling betrayed and lost cause what ever he do jimin have no time to spend with him not even giving him attention anymore

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*****trig **** tring

Bell rang even before they complete their (love) quarrel making teahyung go from there to his class huffing making jimin heart confused and warm at the same time realising butterflies in his tummy.

After college: 

Jimin did you see after recess. He has been sulking non-stop after lunch time. He was even snapped at a lecturer today. - hobi  said while they are packing their bags to leave the dance class making jimin halt in his steps.

Will see hyung bye.- jimin said leaving first.

Aish these guys - hobi said shaking his head

What hyung..tell me - kook asked being the confused one he is

Well we kind of said teahyung that you and jimin look cute together and he has been sulking back then. What can we say I am sick of their not so subtle love so we all decided to take the initiative to push a little - hobi completed his monologue making jungkook speech less.

How come you guys do this to me . You left me behind in this plan ?? - jungkook complained in pout on full force.

Sorry kookie- hobi

What do you think of them tho....- hobi

Well I do have a tiny crush on jimin but I think they make a cute pair tho - jungkook confessed

Say what now 😶😶😶😶😲😲😲😲😲


Pls ignore the mistakes. 😋😋😋

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