Part 5

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Teahyung was looking at afar as if a spell bound was on him. Just a smile which can be as engraved as whipped all over the world. Just fondness spills though his eyes for what ever he is looking at. Well the view of teahyung smile call be watched as long as ever but not to his hyung who is trying again and again to gain the attention of the said latter who sees to flying over the imagination world without a single care about the reality.

"an angle with words and a devil for his looks. marvelous and all mine. my minnie."- teahyung thought smilling till his cheeks spread like little cupcakes are on each side of his cheek....


A cry of pain could be heard as so savage hyung of their group was twisting his ear all the directions ...

Ahhhhhh- hyung what's wrong with you..stop it hurt leave my ear ... teahyung cries can be heard as long as a meter length .

Then you should have payed attention to me other than eying the sweet innocent being with hawk eyes you bitch.... suga sassed smirking at teahyung display smug look.

You should confess to him. I don't think you want to miss your chance with jimin and cry ur whole dramatic life like a bitch. suga said while showing annoyance ressembling a cat......

I will I will. I am just enjoying my baby boy beauty in sun light to imagine him in night moon light. What's wrong with that.... teahyung said with a smirk and one can say what he is thinking just by the look of his eyes .

 teahyung said with a smirk and one can say what he is thinking just by the look of his eyes

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(These were taken when teahyung was busy looking at jimin and smirking and smiling to him self

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(These were taken when teahyung was busy looking at jimin and smirking and smiling to him self.............😏👀👀)

Fucker - suga said flicking teahyung forehead and suddenly his(teahyung)eyes darken seeing jimin side. To seee.....

Jimin with a guy who was caressing his hair and jimin was smiling even the bunny who won't let any one to be close with jimin was smiling and giving side eyes to teahyung. Which teahyung didn't notice but the cat (suga) did.

(Jinyoung from exo new transfer student from Australia

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(Jinyoung from exo new transfer student from Australia. Who got crush on jimin on first sight.)

Teahyung went straight to them and took jimin from the new stupid looking guy in teahyung prepesctive and an annoying bunny.

the tight grip on jimin arm with a growl and hitting the jinyoung hand away form jimin hair. taken the three people attention away starling them.

what the fuck do you think your doing ? don't you know the fucking personal space? huh? - teahyung growled with power tightening the grip on jimin forearm making him hiss.

hyung???/-jimin whimpered with pain making teahyung turn his head.

what ? you ! what do you think your doing ? huh. - teahyung voice was harsh if you said teahyung you will ever be angry at jimin his straight answer will be a big noo. cause who will be able to stay angry on a baby.

jimin flinched back. eyes red with tears and holding them in with strong erge to not look weak infront of these many people.

making teahyung sigh..lets leave..

{teahyung dragged jimin to a more secured place to avoid invasion }

why were you being toouchy with him. huh . who is he. i never seen him in any of your class not in this campus. teahyung interrogated jimin while trappingj him inbetween his hands ;body ; tree not giving any place to escape.

transfer s-student form a-Australia.......he just joined today. jimin hicupped but struggled against teahyung cause he is scared so scared. teahyung never behavedthis way . he was always soft withhim and patient . he never raised his voice at all . but now teahyung looking like a demon.

a demon who is hungry for blood . maybe even a vampire.

jimin imagination is running wild wild and ...........wild....

if so then why are you so close to him - teahyung asked raising his one brow still now digesting the fact that a boy who just joined today cann be thaat close to his minnie...

why do you care. huh . s0 what i make new friends . now don't act like you care teahyung- shi and its not your damn business.... - jimin said with unknown anger. cause teahyung is giving him false hopes . and all the things he is doing just making him more delusional

teahyung face visibly grow red and his viens can be seen pulsing . and the hands and shivering . teahyung is definitely radiating a damn dark energy as if saying beware before you fucking touch what's mine. i am not something that can be tested............

one thing every one has to be careful is what shit your talking cause the damage that is done can never be taken back.



teahyung who just entered hell devided to drag jimin with him as he grabbed the bratty one cheeks with his ever so strong grrip making the pale skin look like a strawberry .....rubbing the now ever more plumber lips with his finger tabs making them itch and the most awaited chance kissing those lips with a passion that can never be forgotten, with a damn authority's as if declaring his territory to every one. as if making jimin understant the meaning of being under the influence of a devil. jimin kissed teahyung no was kissed by teahyung with no breath left in his lungs and after. as if sucking the life out of his just by kissing.

after enjoying and struggling and gasping jimin break the kiss pushing teahyung with his remained strength...

"what do you think you're doing? huh ? jimin screamed pushing teahyung further more

do you think playing with one's feeling is fun ? am i your toy to play. ? a fuchking time pass for you to fool around ? i am sorry to break the bubble of yours ,,, i i just can't do this anymore.

jimin left form there saying all the things that are filling his brain and thoughts now a days all his worries every thing crying a fountain on his way. leaving the campus not forgetting to message kook for icecream cause that is traditional and cultural way of mending heart......

achooooo- jimin sneezing since morning light came through his window. the after effects of eating forzen cream at cold night in. may be he should stay at his dorm room so it won't be spread around.

jk : minnie do you want me to pick you up form your dorm. its time for college.

jimin: kookie i don't want to come to college today. i am feeling a little down. may be i catch cold.

jk: see i told you to not eat that ice cream at night. now your suffering because of your doings.

jimin: 😑😑😑😑


Well that's surprise update. Hope you all are enjoying this year amazing

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