part 12

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It was a sunny day and the sun is ready to say goodbye while showering the city with soft golden Ray's making the place shine like a fine gold. Teahyung was holding jimin hand while walking and jimin was caressing his stomach with another hand as the baby bump was slightly showing as  they were walking  passing the time with their silly talks.

Jimin eventually grew tired as the sat down on the public garden bench which shows the lake horizontally from where they are.....

It was a quiet but peaceful evening with fresh air as the enjoyed the beauty of nature.....

Alas Teahyung was busy admiring his boyfriend with a bady bump looking like a marshmallow so soft and eternal.  He was smiling to himself  when he saw a red dot placed on jimin heart but after not  that long he understands what it is making him panic he breath  hitched as he go into panic mode and come in front of jimin completely covering him as a loud bang was resonated in the whole garden making the birds to ran away and people to panic run for their lives.  Jimin. Jimin is still in the shock as teahyung's body fell limp as if no strength was in him as blood come out of his mouth making jimin scream out loud. ......




"TEAHYUNG.......... teahyung " jimin screamed as heavy breaths left though his mouth , eyes moist  making his cheeks wet as sweat beads are formed on his forehead as a painful but silent cry escaped from his mouth.......

Teahyung...... . a soft whisper left his mouth as soft as lullaby as the photo frame in their night stand clutched by him as he caressed his lover photo........

The room door opened by jungkook who might have heard the scream of jimin pained reverie.

Hey min are you okay?  Jungkook asked as he softly caressed his back as jimin just nodded still in thoughts of his nightmare

Here.... Drink some water .......




What wrong?  Jungkook asked

A dream no ni-nightmare which should never come true. .......never....jimin said while shaking his head that's when jungkook saw the way jimin was shaking what seems like fear?

Do you wanna share?

L-leave....... I-I wanna leave

Leave where

Leave teahyung......leave  before I bring him down , leave before something happen to him..........

Don't take decisions on impulse jimin....we will talk about this tomorrow..... sleep now ok..... everything will be alright..........

Jungkook please........ please I don't want to loose teahyung nor the baby this way I can keep both with me..... teahyungie as my boyfriend forever in my memory and our baby as a  sigh of our love........

What about teahyung?


T-teahyung will be f-fine over t-time...... jimin said with a chocked sob while trying to control his tears he can feel the pull on his heart a heavy weight bragging him  down as he felt his throat hurt with every word he uttered.

It's for the best.......jimin told himself

Jungkook can do nothing but be there for his friend

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