part 21

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Well , hi guys.  I think I can't update this  story for a while but I will update as soon as possible once I become active. And that's the reason I am updating now.  An update for the temporary departure.  Well I just know you guys don't like the sudden plot but bare with me.

Loves you lots......

   The speed of teahyung's car was almost  terrifying , it was leaving  the smokey dust behind it every now and then as if  it was speeding with every minute.  Could that be possible as teahyung was at the out scouts of busan with in 2 hours 50 minutes.  The screeches of tyres of the back wheel left the marking on every turn teahyung took. Teahyung was feeling drained from all the drama he had gone through today as his once bleeding hand is now dried with blood Marks...his face is so dull vague due lack of sleep ,water  and food . Teahyung physically feels the energy dried out of him as his eyes are becoming droopy once in a while but reaching his jimin was surpassed every thing at that moment. The evening arrived as the mountains adored by the sunlight .........

Teahyung can see the lights of busan like a twinkling stars from where he is seeing. He entered the city in 15 minutes but it takes almost 30 minutes for teahyung to reach the area which his jin hyung has given to him. after trying to find the street number teahyung entered into a alley which was busy with it's fair share as the alley is not that crowded neither was it abonded as teahyung gaze wandered around ,  a person in a long coat which was below the person knee length, with a Bob hat on  intrude his thoughts while Teahyung was looking at the person who looks like his jimin so oddly as without thinking much shouted for his jimin but teahyung saw some one else accompanying which was no one else but jungkook.  While teahyung was focused on the person across the road he didn't hear the loud horn of the coming truck but as he returned his concern to the road a truck was coming towards his side as teahyung suddenly shuffle his steering wheel as the already riding car took a full turn and crashed at the near tree which was situated at the left side as teahyung head got pressed to the wheel. Thanks to his new model car the air bags opened saving the person in car from further damage.







It was one of the days when jungkook and jimin have to go to the hospital check up for the pregnancy.  After the appointment they both decided to crash at the restaurant which was jimin fav cause of the beverages and sweets. Jimin cravings are different at different times of the day. As they exited the shop they suddenly heard someone more like a person they both very know shouting jimin name making jimin turn his head

Jm:jungkook is -is it teahyungie's voice we just heard... jimin said with trembling voice as he grabbed jungkook shirt in a fist as his eyes was searching for the person he was dying to see.

But before they could even think of anything there was a loud screeching sound as a car was hit to the tree. Which caused the people to surround the spot. the search of his love was so little due to the accident. Making jimin breath hitch. Since he was once almost got killed by Mr Kim jimin has been sensitive to any kind of accidents , and murders moreover  he was shocked and more like shivering thinking something bad....

Jk: hey minne ah don't panic ok. You can't take stress you are aware of that right. I think we should leave.... jungkook said as he tried to leave cause he saw how much panic attack will affect the baby. it happened once in jimin's sleep as he dreamed about something happening to teahyung once and he got panic attack which lead to an almost miscarriage that day.

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