Chapter 1

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Remember, this is a FANFICTION. Whatever I write here isn't made to be canon. With that, let's get into it.

3rd Person POV.

"Remember, young sinner, you will come back here, but only if you find the culprit that broke the fate of this world. If you manage to fail, you will be treated like the others."  A mysterious entity, taking the form of a woman said to a man, kneeling before her being. Her voice was powerful, overbearing. The man only trembled because of the fear he experienced.

"Y-Yes." The man only said, fearing for his life, and the dangerousness of his situation. "Yes who ?" The woman said, her voice, merged with her sheer display of power via a shockwave produced by a mere snapping by her fingers, caused the man to tremble even more.

"Yes, ma'am !" The man yelled, fearing for his life. The woman, now happy that her subject was fearing for his life, smiled out of her sadistic personality. She was more than pleased to see that her words were absolute.

She snapped her fingers, creating a red portal with only a patch of grass could be seen. "Now, █████████, repair the world and put it under my control once again." The woman said with confidence and authority. The man, knowing he had no choice but to obey her wish, stood up. His legs was shaking but he only had one thought.

'Once I'll be done with her order, I'll finally ask her to save my people.' 

With that thought, he jumped in the portal.

Once at the other side of the portal, the man saw how the portal torn the reality of this world. Then he saw the portal being closed, and saw how the sky wasn't even affected by that, as if it didn't even existed in the first place.

Then he turned around, only to see that he was falling from the greatest distance that he could think off. "Shit !" Was all he yelled. He tried to summon his power through his right hand, and all he could do was summon some weak spark. He tried with his left hand, only to see that it was the same outcome.

"What ... did I try to do ?" The man asked to himself, as if he tried to recollect his memories.

"Why am I falling ?" He asked to himself once again. He saw that the ground was closer than he thought.

"What is my ... purpose ?" He asked once again, only to be several meters away from crashing.

"Who am I ..." He asked himself one last time, as his body hit the ground.

??????'s POV.

"What was that ?!" Paimon yelled with all of her might while I just watched what occurred before my eyes. "Aether, we need to see what was that !" Paimon yelled as all the Fontainians was stunned by that event. "Let's go, Paimon." I said as I started to run towards the estimated location of that thing's fall. 

"What ... who is that ?" Paimon said, being shocked by what's on the ground. And to be honest, I'm quite shocked too.

"Is that ... a human ?" I said as I touched the body of a man. "Outch !" Only to have my hand burnt. "I doubt that he could be alive." I said to Paimon as I showed her that my glove was burnt. Then, a sound of breathing could be hear beneath me. I saw Paimon's eyes widened as I was sure that no human could be alive after such a fall.

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