Chapter 15

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He woke up, floating in that dark endless void. The same as the night before those events. 

Y/N managed to kill that thing, piercing its physical heart as it crumbled into fine black dust. 

'What was that ... thing ?' He thought as he looked at his hands, almost entirely shrouded in the black environment. He felt his hands shiver as he remembered how he felt after acquiring such prowess.

Powerful, fearless. He couldn't shake off this feeling of superiority as he unknowingly grinned. This power could fall into bad hands, bad people who could use this power to do dire things, just like that thing.

'How did I get that ?' He thought. His thought took his brain by force and couldn't get out of his head. After all, he couldn't even remember moments of his life before the Traveler found him, burned and bruised. 

'My ... past ?' He thought, he was certain that the thing was a clue for his past, as it appeared at the same time as him at Fontaine. He did acquire his power while he was fighting against it.

Maybe the contact of those two awakened the dormant power who peacefully slept inside Y/N.

Maybe this thing was just his power in a crude form, trying to tell him to get those back.

Maybe the life-of-death situation he threw himself in had put his power into stress, and forced them to be activated.

He couldn't think of any of those three thoughts as they all seemed good enough.

Then, he remembered the things that thing did to him, to his friends.

It broke Furina's left leg. It impaled Aether. 

Maybe the rage and anger of seeing his girlfriend and his friend being treated as mere punchbags was the reason of his awakening. 

He mentally shook his head as he looked around. 

The dark atmosphere slowly turned into red. The same red he saw when the thing fired its energy cannon out of its own fused arms.

He couldn't know why, but this red triggered some pain. He held both of his shoulders as he trembled in pain. All of his body muscles wanted to tear themselves apart from his body.

Even his own touch made him suffer as his breathing was beginning to become hectic. 

".../N !" He heard a yell, but couldn't heard it normally as all he heard was his heart throbbing in his ears. 

"Y/N !" Then the yelling was cleared, as he understood his own name. Then his body stopped writhing in its own pain as he saw the red of the atmosphere turn into a bright light.

Y/N's eyes opened in shock as he looked at a familiar ceiling. Then, the same muscle pain came back as he hissed. He quickly looked around, only to see four people looking at him with an inpatient and fear mixed expression on their face.

"Y/N !" The woman yelled as she threw herself into a hug with the previously unconscious man. "Outch !" The man expressed the sudden pain the hug brought him, but he returned the hug as he slowly put two and two together.

Furina hugged him as Aether, Paimon and Neuvillette had their expression softened while looking at the scene. 

But looking at Neuvillette, Y/N had a weird feeling. He could sense something from Neuvillette. Something that yelled power, authority.

But, he returned his attention at the girl hugging him as she broke the hug. "You're alive, thank God." Furina said as a single tear escaped her left eye. 

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