Chapter 10

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'Calm down, Furina, calm down.' She thought as she looked at her reflection displayed by the mirror. She noticed how badly her face was red. She was surprised, and as a reflex, she hid herself from herself. 'Am I sick ?' She thought, he put her right hand on her forehead only to feel that the heat coming from it was normal.

Then, a sudden revelation hit her as she thought of the exact scene who happened like 10 seconds ago. She remembered his blushing face, his stutter. She never saw Y/N blushing, or never heard him stutter. So needless to say that she felt special when she thought she was the first person who saw that.

But she couldn't put her finger on why he had this exact reaction. Shaking her head, she started to slowly strip as she readied herself to go into the shower. 'Did he think ...' Her thought trailed off as she looked at the mirror, seeing her naked reflection.

"Who am I kidding..." She said out loud, trailing off. Furina was still a human, and didn't have a lot of self-confidence. So, Y/N couldn't blush and stutter because he thought about the former Archon being naked. 

As she showered, the host of the house did some cooking as he needed to distract his thought. He brewed a simple tomato soup as he wanted to bring Furina a warm and smooth thing to eat, or drink. 

Once the soup was ready, he put the lid on the saucepot as he calmly sat down in his kitchen. But then, the same thought reappeared in his mind, causing him to surprise himself.

He did try to forget that impure thought of Furina being without clothes in his head, but couldn't. Y/N couldn't know why he was thinking that. Nonetheless, he viewed Furina as a woman. 'A damn fine woman.' And couldn't lie about her beauty. 

'Come on Y/N, that's a breach of privacy.' He slapped his cheeks two times before staring at nothing. But his thoughts wasn't nothing.

Since Furina and him started to hang out with each other, he couldn't help but to feel things. Things that was unknown to the amnesic man. He couldn't decipher his feelings, but he could at least understand two things.

He wanted to spend time with Furina.

He wanted to see Furina happy.

Then, the bathroom's doors slowly opened, Y/N heard it but couldn't dare to look at it. Furina, seeing that, managed to hide her previous thoughts and laughed a bit. "You can look you know ?" Furina's words made Y/N look at her. She was wearing a oversized shirt and a short, and was still drying her hairs.

And the man couldn't think of a single sentence, let alone a word upon seeing her. Unless it was, "Cute." Y/N didn't realize that he said this word out loud, but Furina fully heard it. His words stopped her hands. Seeing that her hairs wasn't stylized or even brushed, Y/N blushed a bit and instinctively look at his hands, subconsciously fighting each other.

Y/N realized that he was tense, so he took a deep breath and managed to calm himself down. He looked again at Furina, which had a tiny blush on her face. Y/N couldn't help but to smile warmly at her as she returned the smile back.

"I hope you're hungry, I made soup." Y/N said as he lifted off the lid. He took a spoon and dipped it into the brewing substance, he slowly brought the spoon at his mouth to blow on it for a bit, before tasting. 

"Tomato soup ?" Furina asked, walking towards him, Y/N looked at her and nodded. "Well, I didn't know what was your taste for soups. So I did go with that." He said, mentally saying that the soup was good.

Then, he made his way towards the door to grab the red slippers. Once he grabbed those, he handed them to Furina. "Floor's cold, don't want you to get sick." He said, as he carefully took the saucepot, placing on the counter. Furina put the slippers on as she looked at Y/N bringing out two bowls of his rightmost cabinet.

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