Chapter 4

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Y/N's POV.

Once Furina and I got out of the Palais Mermonia, I couldn't help but to be amazed by the view that was presented to me. 

Since I first awoke, I stayed in the Palais until that day where I needed to search a place to live.

I didn't know that I was near something beautiful all this time. 

"Is it your first time seeing Fontaine ?" Furina asked me, bringing my attention to her. I could only nod as I was stunned by the scene before me.

"Then, take a bit of time to take the scenery in." She said with a kind and calm voice, she put her right elbow on the railing and supported her head with her right hand. 

"Your head is that heavy ?" I decided to crack a little joke, I heard some person inside the Palais saying that jokes can make one's day better. She looked at me and smiled a bit.

Even if I don't remember anything else, I knew what was the meaning of 'beautiful'. And it was right before my eyes.

"Of course it is, I don't want my neck to be damaged by holding my flawless facies." She said. Confidence and smugness could be seen on her face. But, I saw that her face fell into sad one really quick. It was so quick that I surely hallucinated that.

Of course, her flamboyant personality couldn't be drown by sadness.

"A bit of a confident person, aren't you ?" I asked as I did the same as her, looking into her heterochromatic eyes. "Indeed, I am Furina de Fontaine after all." She said, as she stood up and looked at my eyes. "Come on, let's not waste any time. You still need to live somewhere after all." She said as she traveled down the stairs at our right.

"Do you have any idea where you'd want to live ?" Furina asked me while we walked in the Quartier Lyonnais. "Not at all, but preferably somewhere close to the Palais." I said, if I could live near the place I'll work in the future, it will be the best.

"Okay, the furthest point from the Palais is the Passage Vasari, so not in that location." Furina started to list the best place I could start to search. "Ideally, the Quartier Lyonnais or the Quartier Narbonnais would be the best. Since we already are in the Quartier Lyonnais, let's start here." Furina proposed. "That seems like the best thing to do." I agreed with Furina as I didn't know a bit about the places in Fontaine.

"But first, if we need to search, why won't we eat first ?" Furina asked, then I felt my stomach being empty. "I could eat some food as well." I said as I rubbed my stomach. "Let's go, I'll present you to the best Café in Fontaine !" Furina excitedly exclaimed. To be honest, it felt good seeing someone with such a happy personality. "Alright, show that place to me." I said as I wanted to know her favorite spot.


The main place to eat when you're outside and hungry

"Café ... Lutece ?" I said as if it was a question, since I wasn't sure of its pronunciation. "That's right, your pronunciation is correct. I see that Neuvillette taught you well." Furina said, I could decipher a bit of sadness, but it was so small and drawn by her positive tone that, once again, I thought that I hallucinated it. "Yeah, Monsieur Neuvillette taught me so much about this world." I said as I was happy to had such a teacher.

"I think that the best teacher can only be the best with the best student." Furina said to me as she played with her hairs. "I don't think so. To be honest, I think even the worst student can learn something from the best teacher." I said as it was how I viewed our relationship with Neuvillette.

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