Chapter 6

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3rd Person Pov.

After the little altercation that Furina and Y/N had to deal with, they went walking out of this place. But one of them were into their worlds of thoughts. 

'It was the first time I reacted like that. I didn't react like that when people where doubting Neuvillette when I was near. And then I managed to be a little mad at those guys.' Furina thought, she was a bit lost. She knew the Iudex since several centuries ago, almost the same time of Furina's false Archonhood. 

But then, she barely knew Y/N, and then she felt something when those guys wanted to teach a lesson to Y/N. She felt angry. After all, Y/N did nothing wrong ... yet.

"Are you alright, Furina ?" Y/N asked the medium height girl. She snapped back into reality and nodded. "Sorry, I just thought about something else." She said, throwing a small smile which lasted for one second. "Can I have the privilege to have an idea of your thought ?" Y/N kindly and jokingly said with a bad royal tone. Which made Furina laugh a bit.

"Your accent was ridiculous." She said, having a bit a laugh again. Seeing Furina laugh made Y/N smile a bit. Then, he found himself hypnotized by the woman. He didn't know why, but just seeing her smile was worth the 'humiliation'.

"My demand, even if I had a bad accent, was real for your information." Y/N said as they took a turn to the left. Then Y/N looked up in the sky to see that the Sun was setting, making the sky a bit darker. 

Furina looked at Y/N and asked herself : 'What if he knew ? About why there isn't any Archon in Fontaine. About my life, about Fontaine's prophecy ?' Her questions ran rounds over her head. Sure, Y/N was a newcomer, an amnesic one. But Furina couldn't help but to see Y/N in this light.

She could feel the warm, welcoming smile each time Y/N smiled with her. She didn't even knew why, but she trusted Y/N.

"I'm out of food for dinner." Furina sighed, as she looked where she was, she saw that the door was the one she closed the day before. "Well, good thing we've arrived." Y/N said as he unlocked his door. 

"No, I can't ask you to make me dinner." Furina said, moving her arms and head to say that she couldn't. "You didn't ask, I want to make you dinner. Consider this as a thanks." Y/N said, opening his door and letting Furina in. As she saw the interior of Y/N's house, she thought about it for a bit, then looked at the host.

She sighed as, she knew that Y/N could be as stubborn as her. "Okay, okay. Thanks for the invitation." She said, entering Y/N's house and staying by the doormat. "That's more like it." He said as he smiled a bit more. He entered his house as he put his shoes at the side of the doormat. While seeing this, Furina did the same, but as her feet touched the ground, she felt the coldness of it.

"Good thing I bought those." Y/N said as he put the groceries bag on the kitchen's counter. He started to search something and then, picked out two pairs of slippers. One pair being red, one being black.

"Pick your color." Y/N said as he showed both of the pairs at Furina. She looked a bit surprised but quickly took the red ones. Y/N frowned a bit but smiled right after. "I wanted those." Y/N said in a jokingly sad tone. Which did go noticed by Furina, as response, she smiled a bit at his reaction.

"Don't ask that question to me then." She said as she gracefully took the slippers out of Y/N's hand. Y/N chuckled a bit then put on his black slippers. "Sorry if I wanted to be considerate. Won't happen again." He said as he put out all the things he bought out of the bag.

Furina put her red slippers and then felt better, the floor was too cold for her liking. "So, what are you cooking ?" Furina asked as she made her way towards the kitchen. "At the moment, I'm cooking my brain to see where should the sweets should go." Y/N said, rubbing his chin as he looked at the multiple cabinets above the sink. 

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