Chapter 13

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"You can't be serious, right ?" Furina said to the smiling Y/N. But looking at the amnesic man, you couldn't miss his expression.

A mix between impatience, glee, and frustration. An exotic mix for anyone who saw that. Neuvillette and Furina weren't expecting this idea from Y/N.

"Oh but I am serious." Y/N only said as he looked at Furina. His eyes were all over the place, shifting between a destination from another with little to no delay. 

"You cannot put yourself in danger. This idea is not the brightest." Neuvillette said, looking at Y/N. For all the ideas Neuvillette heard from all of his workers from the Marechaussee Phantom, or anything else, this one was at the top.

"I have seen many men trying their hardest to solve a clueless case. But this, is out of the question." Neuvillette declined Y/N's idea.

But Y/N saw his unwillingness for this idea, and mistook Neuvillette's concern for plain cowardice.

"How can you say that when YOUR people are missing each passing day ?" Y/N said, his voice filled by something new for everyone. 

For the first time, Y/N was angry.

"We can't keep it this way. This thing must be taken down when the occasion arrive. And I am the occasion." Y/N said, standing up. His determination was beaming through his eyes. But if one looked at his eyes for a little bit of time, they would find something else, something less positive.


"We can't ask you to be that sacrificial lamp to catch this thing, Y/N." Of course, Furina would be against his crazy, but yet only good idea. "Don't need to ask me then, since I'll do it nonetheless." Y/N said, looking at Furina, then the three of them heard the sound of a door being opened or closed. 

They turned only to see the Traveler and his floating companion.

"Hello everyone !" Paimon waved at them but they didn't seem to return the wave. "What's going on ?" Aether asked, looking at Neuvillette.

"This man right here, thinks that he is the next victim of the thing. And so, he wants to be the bait for us to capture it." Neuvillette explained. Paimon fell back a bit as Aether only looked at Y/N with a calculating stare.

"That might be the only good thing we got to do." Aether said as he nodded towards Y/N, which smiled at the Traveler.

"You can't be serious ! He don't have to throw himself like that !" Furina yelled out of concern. Neuvillette and Paimon looked surprised, but Y/N and Aether wasn't bothered. 

"I get it, you are worried. But Furina, this is the only clue we've had so far." Y/N said while putting both of his hands on Furina's shoulders, making her look at him.

"If we want this thing to be captured, if I need to be the one who acts as a bait, then so be it. Sooner that thing is out of the picture, the sooner Fontainians will be safe." Y/N said, with a soft voice which calmed Furina. But then, everyone in the office looked once again surprised.

Because Y/N had managed to calm Furina a little bit. 

"I'm still against it." Furina said, looking right in Y/N's eyes. "I'll be with him." Aether interrupted the hidden couple as he stepped towards them. "I'll make sure to return Y/N without a scratch." He said, putting his hand on the side of his heart.

"That's what I wanted to say, the only way for you to make me accept, was to make me tag along." Furina said, earning the surprised eyes of Y/N.

"Out of the question, you will stay safe." Y/N said, his voice filled with certainty. "Then I'll make sure to not let go." Furina said, taking his hands with hers. "That's too much for you to do. You're the one Fontainians looks up. As for me, I am still a nobody. I can go unnoticed." Y/N said, not willing to back up.

"I don't care, if you are missing then I won't fucking care of the others." Furina said, her words surprising everyone in the room. "Furina, let's not talk like this." Aether tried to calm her down, but Y/N detached his left hand of Furina's and stopped him.

"Y/N, you are doing the exact same thing that I did to you." Furina said, making Y/N sigh. "That's true." He said, rubbing his neck. "I guess you don't have any other choice, sorry Aether. You'll need to protect the both of us." Y/N said, facing Aether and bowed a bit towards him. 

"Don't worry, I did worst things that protecting two persons." He said, quickly looking at Neuvillette and Furina. However, those glances was caught by Y/N. 

"In Fontaine ? Let's me hear those." Y/N said, with a bit of a smile. But this smile seemed forced, and Aether wasn't fooled. "Maybe it will be better if I say those things after that little escort thing." Aether said, with a solemn tone. 

As much as Y/N wanted to pry into it, he sighed and nodded. "No, don't bother, helping us and then telling things to satisfy my curiosity won't sit right in my mind." Y/N said, this smile smiling truthfully.

"But putting yourself up as a bait is sitting right ?" Aether said, jokingly. This made Y/N crack a laugh. "Need to give the lamb plenty of food to let him appear bigger." Y/N said, given the joking concept of their conversation, it didn't sounded right.

"You want to do it like that ?" Aether asked, dumbfounded as he understood his words. "What are you talking about ?" Furina asked. Then Y/N shared another small laugh.

"You will be near me, but I'll show myself alone to make it act quicker. Once he'll be right next to me, jump in." Y/N explained his plan.

"You insane human." Neuvillette muttered under his breath. During all of this debate, Neuvillette was thorn between two things :

- Letting them act, with a risk of them failing.

- Watching them from afar, and when things get messy, jump in.

Those two ideas were in Neuvillette's mind. But he himself knew that his Hydro Prowess as well as his Authority might put their plan off. So he had no other choices than to wait for them to succeed.

"I do hope that your plan will work, Y/N. If not, you will be just like the victims." Neuvillette said, Y/N looked at him, but nodded. "You think I didn't think of that ?" Y/N said, making Neuvillette curious. 

"If he manage to get me and go away, prior to the interaction Aether will mark me with his Elemental Prowess. I'll serve as a beacon if things fail." Y/N said, Neuvillette nodded, but found himself laughing just after.

"I never saw such an insane human before you, Y/N." Neuvillette said, holding back more laughter. "I take it as a compliment, thank you." Y/N said, smiling and bowing towards his superior.

"You thought of everything, huh Y/N ?" Paimon said, looking smugly at him. "Of course, I'm not such a fool. I'm willing to put my life at risks, but with more than one failback." He said, his voice filled with seriousness.

During all of that, Furina couldn't help but to stare at Y/N's eyes, but the more she spent time looking at them, the more a certain feeling came up. She couldn't put her finger on it. In fact Furina asked herself what was the said feeling. 

But then, Furina had a flash, and knew exactly this feeling, or the information the feelings tried to tell. So much in fact that it made her shiver.

'... How can he ... ?'

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