Chapter 20

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"What do you mean by that ?" Neuvillette said after Y/N said his line. Everyone was recovering from the tense atmosphere that himself and the Knave created. 

"It's linked to me, a fragment of my original self. Just like the Thing." Y/N said as his voice was gravely, deep and without feelings. His head was killing him, each seconds made Y/N suffer from this headache.

But with this headache comes information.

"The Thing harbored my ancient power, when I killed it, it came back to me." Y/N said as his brain throbbed harder and harder. As if his own brain wanted him to continue. "That Entity could host your ancient memories, isn't that right ?" Neuvillette said, Y/N nodded and grunted as he held his head.

"I must be the one to kill it. If not ..." Y/N muttered as he sighed. "I feel like I'll know more if I kill this thing. I need to find it." He said as he stood up, going for the door. 

"Absolutely not." Furina said, dashing between him and the door, blocking him. "Furina, please let me go." Y/N said, holding his head in pain once again.

This headache seemed to last, maybe until that Entity dies.

"No, I can't ... I don't want to risk it." Furina said, holding her ground against her boyfriend. But something seemed odd from Y/N. 

She didn't feel her usual attraction towards him, she didn't feel her heart flutter when he looks at her with his eyes.

His eyes were empty, devoid of emotions, barely human.

"Too bad, I want to." Y/N said as he grabbed Furina's arm to push her away from the door.

"Y/N, do not move a single member." Neuvillette said, surprising everyone as he tapped his cane on the ground. Y/N looked back at the Iudex, only to look at his eyes. 

Neuvillette's eyes were very much human, spewing emotions. But decided to seal them to have the best outcome.

"Your obsession is not the right path, you will only end up hurting you, and your closest ones." Neuvillette said as Y/N tried to fight back a small smile. "Quite the opposite, by letting this Entity live, I will end up causing more pain than I want." Y/N said with a profound voice.

"How so ? This Entity might be linked to you, but it is a distinct being apart from you. You will not be counted guilty if that thing is dangerous." The Iudex tried to reason with his friend. "But I will !" Y/N yelled, exposing his feelings for once since the Knave came. 

"It came from me ! It's a part of me !" Y/N yelled once more, looking at the ground, whilst everyone looked at him with some degree of pity. "I can't- I can't let the people who welcomed me here suffer just because I happened to be some higher being !" Y/N yelled and turned his back from his friends.

"I will find it, kill it and come back and tell you who I truly am." Y/N said as he left the Palais, running towards one place. 

If that Entity was 'attracted' from Y/N's trace of power, it will be at this place.

"Show yourself !" Y/N yelled as he arrived at the North-West of Fontaine. Where Aether, Furina, Paimon and him confronted the Thing. 

Where Y/N killed it and gained his powers back.

"As expected." A voice talked in the nature. But Y/N recognized this voice.

The voice of his dreams.

"I knew you'd search for me here." It said, revealing itself from the pillars' shadows. 

Hooded, without a single centimeters of his skin being shown, as if it was a condition for it to live. 

"And I know who you are." Y/N said, while clenching his fists. "Wow, no need to be speaking with fists, pal." The Entity said as it showed its gloved hands in good favor. "I do not wish to fight 'me', after all." It said as Y/N was a bit stunned, but then laughed a bit.

Of course, he didn't think of it that way.

The Thing was him, his powers. That's why it wasn't intelligent. It was his primal instincts.

The Entity was him, his memories. He knew what to do, and so...

"You understand, right ?" Y/N said, looking at the ground. "I never was meant to exist, my role was to find you and be one with you again." It said, walking towards Y/N.

"But you must know, you won't be the same anymore. You will remember every pain you've been through. All the people you lost." The Entity said whilst extending its hand.

Y/N was sure of him, but hesitated at the same time. He knew that Furina was scared of him. Will it be better if he'd just go at his true home when he'd remember ?

"I need to know." Y/N said, extending his own hand at the Entity. And, as if it happened again, a glowing bright light came forth by their contact.

After a few minutes, Y/N was there, standing alone as his whole body trembled.

He instantly held his head, because of the pain. Not a headache because of the flux of information was too grand.

Because he saw everything he lived again. 

And remembering one thing, the most important thing of all.

"My mission." 

And with that in mind, all of his feelings were thrown out of his heart, as he advanced towards the Palais.

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