Chapter 11

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Furina's cries soon ended as Y/N and her stayed in this hug. No words were spoken, but so many things were understood. 

Y/N understood that Furina's proud and confident personality was just a mask to hide her more vulnerable, broken, self-hatred personality. Upon understanding that, he nodded to himself.

Furina understood that Y/N wasn't a man who was just all talk. He said that he wanted to be there for her, helping her during her difficult time. And as she walked through that difficult time, he was there for her. She also understood something else, about herself.

She understood her feelings, why she wanted him besides her. Why she wanted him to be near her. Why she was strongly eyeing him. It was because she was attracted to the man.

It was because she liked the man.

During her 'Archonhood', she desperately lied to herself each day passing. Telling herself that this nightmare will end the day after. That snowballed and transformed into a 500 years old lie. 

So, when she thought, 'I can't lie to myself anymore.' She understood that this man was the person she needed into her life.

"Are you better ?" Y/N asked, still rubbing Furina's back. Furina detached her body from his a little, only to look at his eyes, smiling slightly. "I think I still need to time." She softly said as she began another hug. 

"If you want to cuddle, at least let's do it somewhere more comfortable." Y/N said, lightly laughing. Himself couldn't shake off his own feeling. "My legs are too tired." Furina said with a false tone of pain. Chuckling, Y/N put his arms behind Furina's back and behind her knees.

Furina couldn't help but to yelp as she was suddenly carried in Y/N's arms. She looked at Y/N's bright E/C eyes as she smiled. Y/N smiled back and even shared a small laugh. "Is that too sudden for Madame ?" He said, knowing that she wanted this outcome. 

Furina, hearing his playful tone, laughed as well. "Sudden, but welcomed." She said as Y/N smiled while looking ahead of him. Furina looked as well to see that they were approaching the couch.

Then, in a newfound boldness, Furina couldn't help but to say teasing words. "Don't you want to take that in your bed instead." Her words surprised Y/N, who could only blush upon hearing those words.

'Fight back, or playing innocent ?' He thought, after he was still a man. The primal instinct couldn't be forgotten. As such, his ideas were divided. One side telling himself to keep it to himself. 

"Aren't you bold, Furina ? If that were to happen, your tears won't be because of your pain." Or he could tease back, in a crude and improper way. 

Furina blushed back as Y/N said those words. She couldn't think of anything but to look at her own hands. "That's what I thought." Y/N said, feeling victorious as he gently put Furina onto his couch. 

Furina could only look at the man, who sat right next to Furina's left. She didn't tried to fight back her impulse of putting her head on his right shoulder. And didn't fight back the impulse to throw her right hand around his waist.

Y/N feeling her warmth, decided to put his right arm around her body. Furina was surprised by his move, but wasn't against it. 

The opposite, she found his warmth incredibly satisfying.

They both sat in silence, appreciating their presence near each other. Furina closed her eyes, feeling immensely calm. The same could be said to Y/N. 

"I must thank the rain." Furina only said as she, somehow snuggled her own body closer to the man. "Oh yeah ?" Y/N asked, smiling as he opened his eyes, only to see the white and blue hairs of the woman. "Without it, I couldn't know how warm you are." Furina said, her tone happier than ever. 

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