Chapter 3

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3rd Person POV.

As Furina, Aether and Paimon left the Palais Mermonia, Neuvillette and Y/N went into the Marechaussee Phantom's headquarters. 

Neuvillette was greeted by all the melusines who saw him, but Y/N, being an amnesic man, was lost.

"Where are we ?" Y/N asked to Neuvillette. The Iudex saw something in the eyes of the fallen man. Neuvillette still had trouble to decipher human's emotions, so he couldn't exactly put his finger on what Y/N was feeling.

The only thing he felt, was that Y/N had a lot of question.

"We currently are in the private section of the Palais, the main location of the Marechaussee Phantom. As well as the private room for the Archon." Neuvillette said, but he suddenly remembered that Fontaine didn't have an Archon anymore.

"What is a ... Marechaussee Phantom ? What is an ... Archon ?" Y/N asked, he tried to remember any memories that he could find to answer his questions, only to find the same headache. 

"Please, Monsieur Y/N, do not try to remember. I see that it causes you to experience a great amount of pain." Neuvillette said as he supported the man who held his head in pain. Y/N felt the support, so he looked at the Iudew, and nodded as he was grateful.

"The Marechaussee Phantom is a group of individuals who acts as the driving force of Justice under my orders, their objective is to comprehend and arrest the criminals in our beautiful city." Neuvillette explained to Y/N. "An Archon is the supreme leader of a specified land, holding a greater power than any humans could have. Unfortunately Fontaine's Archon left not so long ago." Neuvillette explained once more to the amnesic man.

"Sorry for your loss." Y/N solemnly apologize to the man who helped him. "Don't apologize, while the Archon's loss put the Fontainians into a small crisis, her sacrifice saved our country." Neuvillette said, Y/N could see some form of regret inside the Iudex's eyes. 

"Could I ask ... for a service ?" Y/N said as they both stopped by a door. The Iudex opened the door and led the amnesic man into a bedroom. Y/N knew little to nothing about the world he fell in. But he was surprised by the beauty of the royalty.

"Depends on what the service actually is." Neuvillette said as he let Y/N enter the room before him. Even if the beauty of the room left Y/N stunned, he knew that he must do something for his case.

"Could you ... tell me about this world's history ?" Y/N said, Neuvillette, at his turn, was surprised. He expected to be asked about greedy demands. "As I said before ... I don't remember anything. Besides how to talk ... how to function ... If I want to be helpful, I must ... learn about this world." Y/N said in a calm, slow but serious manner.

Neuvillette understood that, he was in the same place several centuries ago. Remembering that, Neuvillette naturally smiled at the man's demand. "If that is what you wish, I must meet your demand." Neuvillette said as Y/N, for the first time, smiled. "Thank you, truly." Y/n said as he started to feel weaker. "You must feel exhausted. Please go to sleep, we will talk about simple things about this world, tomorrow." Neuvillette said as he exited the room. 

Y/N could just watch as his savior left the room, closing the door behind him. Due to his extreme tiredness, he didn't waste a single second and lie on the bed. 

"What is my ... purpose ?" Y/N asked to himself as he moved his hand to the ceiling, his palm directly facing it. But mere seconds after his question, his eyes closed as he let himself fall into the world of dreams.


A position that humans thrive for. A position the Gods hates.

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