Chapter 19

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"Hello everyone." The Traveler said as he opened the door. The three persons inside the Iudex's office looked up and saw how Paimon 'rushed' towards him. "Couldn't you wait ?!" Paimon yelled at Aether as he only laughed a bit.

"Not cool, Aether." Y/N said with a bit of a laugh. Aether repeated his laugh as he saw that Y/N was seemingly doing better. "Why was Paimon late ?" Furina asked, and then looked behind them. Only to see a person she knew.

And a person she feared as well.

"It appears that they wanted to tell you before I come here. That is a failure." A female voice was heard. Y/N studied the new person behind his friends.

Tall, black eyes with red irises shaped as a 'X'. Wearing a white shirt with red ornaments on it and grey pants. White hairs with some places black. Seemingly wearing gloves as her fingernails was red.

The new person eyed strongly Y/N as she didn't recognize the fallen man.

Suddenly, Y/N felt threatened by the new person. Not because he was afraid.

Because he knew something was off with her

But he decided to let that thought drown as they exchanged a long glare.

"It seems that this office became a bit more alive since the last time, Iudex." She said as she broke the glare to look at Neuvillette, who only nodded. Then the woman looked at Furina. which did her best to keep her composure. 

"Excuse my rudeness, but who are you, mister ?" The woman asked Y/N, who got up. "My name is Y/N. And who are you lady ?" Y/N asked with a indifferent voice, which surprised everyone here, expect for the Iudex. 

After all, nobody talk to the Knave like this.

"I am Arlecchino, the Knave." She said as she extended her hand for a handshake. "The Knave ? Is that a surname ?" Y/N said, smiling slightly as he shook Arlecchino's hand.

"Y/N, she is the 4th of the Eleven Fatui Harbinger. She came here to discuss something important." Aether interrupted them. Y/N's eyes widened when he heard that. He sat down as he studied the actual situation.

'A Fatui ? The 4th Harbinger here ?'

Y/N knew about the Fatui whereabouts around Teyvat, but since she came directly to Neuvillette, the Supreme Judge of Fontaine, it must mean that she, indeed, need to tell something important.

"As the Traveler said, I have something to share with you." Arlecchino said as she took place at the left of Y/N. They all looked at her and waited for her to continue. "But I must tell you that first. If one word of our meeting goes out in Fontaine, it will be the end of this city." Arlecchino warned as everyone, albeit Y/N and Neuvillette felt a change in the air.

"So, if you can't keep your mouth shut, I'd recommend you to get out of this room." She said as she crossed her legs, putting her hands on the top of her knees. She eyed strongly Y/N, which she only knew his name.

"Miss Arlecchino, Y/N is a person whom you can trust as much as the Traveler, or even me." Neuvillette said, defending his protegee. "I don't trust anyone, dear Iudex. But if you say so." The Knave said as she nodded towards Aether.

The Traveler closed the door behind him and placed himself between the two couches in the room, on his feet.

"My children saw a suspicious individual near Fontaine yesterday. They seemed to study the exterior of the city." Arlecchino started, earning everyone's attention. "During the night, I went out for a night walk where my children found that individual. Only to see impacts in the ground, and on the pillars." She continued. 

"Where was the place the person was found ?" Y/N interrupted the Knave boldly. Seeing his expression, Arlecchino could tell that the man took it seriously.

Even more than expected.

"North-West of the city." She said, then the expression Y/N had took a dark, severe turn into everyone. He nodded to himself as he put his hands above his mouth to hide it.

To hide that he was smiling.

"Any more information you care to share ?" Y/N asked as he wanted to know more about this entity. "That is all I got for now, it is best to be careful. We don't know what this person is here for." She said as she stood up, as she finished what she came here for.

"That goes for you as well." Y/N suddenly said, his voice deep and gravely. "Do you know who you are talking to ?" Arlecchino asked while his tone of voice was disliked by the Knave. "I don't, but you don't even know what that entity is capable of." Y/N said, looking right into Arlecchino's eyes. That surprised the 4th Harbinger.

All the people who she used a harsh tone didn't dare to look at her in the eyes. It was the first time that someone had the courage, or the stupidity, to talk to her like that. "And how can you know ? I could surely kill that person with just a snap." The Knave said, getting a bit angry.

"Believe me, you won't have the time to snap." Y/N said. His voice, his words, everyone was stunned to hear those. He talked like he knew who was that new entity. And it made all of his friends worried.

"W-We don't even know if that entity is a menace." Paimon decided to butt in, only for the fallen man and the Knave to look at her. She was suddenly scared and hid behind Aether. "It is, its aura was everywhere. It was nearly making me puke in disgust." Arlecchino said, while returning her look towards Y/N.

Then, something bothered her. 

That said aura she felt at that place, she felt it inside the room. Weaker than before, but it was here. 

Her train of thoughts didn't take its time to connect the dots.

The man who stood before her was linked to the entity. That must be why he knew its strength. 

Her curse could easily burn the entity to death and leave no trace. But somehow, Y/N's words were engraved inside her brain.

She sighed and started to walk out. "I'll be sure to not approach this person. I'll come here when I know more of it. Thank you all for your time." The Knave said as she closed the office's door behind her. 

Then, everyone looked at Y/N, which held his head, seemingly in pain. 

And inside Y/N's brain, the dots were starting to connect to each others. 

The Thing who spawned in Fontaine when Y/N first fell.

Those dreams and those thoughts who came at the same time he got his powers back.

This Entity who showed up when the Thing was killed.

It all connected to him, to Y/N, to his past.

For Y/N to remember everything, to remember who he was, why he was here, in Fontaine.

"I must be the one who kill that Entity."

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