Chapter 9

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"So, what are we doing now ?" Y/N said, looking at Neuvillette. The Iudex seemed in thought as Furina exchanged her focus from Y/N to Neuvillette. "I think that would be the best choice to let you rest today." Neuvillette said, earning the surprise of Y/N. 

"What do you mean ? I'm alright, not sick or anything." Y/N said, he wanted to work, he wanted to know how they could catch the Thing. "That is not the reason of your day-off. If you think about it a little, you will know." Neuvillette said, looking right in the eyes of Y/N.

Then, Y/N managed to understand the meaning of the Iudex's words. 'He felt it ? He knows about my idea ?' Y/N thought, as he looked at his hand. A sudden flash happened before his eyes, showing his bloodied hands for a split second. 

"Right, okay, yeah." Y/N said, his voice wavering a little. It showed that Neuvillette was right, he needed a bit of a break. Listening to his uneven voice, Furina couldn't stay there doing nothing. 

She knew that Y/N wasn't at his best, she noticed his hands were trembling ever so slightly. Coupled to the fact that Y/N's voice was signalizing that he wasn't good, she couldn't ignore her desire to help her friend.

But then, Furina's own worries stroke inside her mind. Her ever-so-present smug smile fell as she couldn't shake off her own dark thoughts. She shook her head, thinking, 'He told me that he didn't consider me useless or annoying.' The fallen man's words ringed in the ancient Goddess, making her more confident, more direct.

"Come on Y/N, you need to rest a little." Furina said, putting her hand at his back. Y/N looked at Furina and did his best to show an appreciation smile. She couldn't help but to stifle a laugh. "What are you laughing at ?" Y/N said, his voice still was uneven, but he managed to add a joking tone.

"No-Nothing." Furina stuttered, trying not to mock her friend. "Oh, are you su-sure ?" Y/N said, copying her own stutter. 

Outside of the friendly banter, Neuvillette looked at the both of them and smiled at himself. 'Those two are more similar than I firstly thought.' He thought, thinking that the sudden appearance of Y/N will gradually help his former superior.

"Come on, let's go." Furina said, taking his arm and basically dragging Y/N outside of Neuvillette's office. "Alright, alright !" Y/N exclaimed as he was surprised. He looked at Neuvillette and saw the Iudex's smile, he smiled at his superior and nodded, expressing his thanks. 

"Forgot that it was raining." Furina said, as she looked at the water drops who fell seriously on the ground. "I'd propose to run to my house, since it's closer... I think ?" Y/N said, trailing off as he didn't know where Furina's house was. "Yes, my abode is further than yours from the Palais." Furina said, making Y/N nod. 

"We could also ask for a parapluie inside." Furina said, making the man tilt his head. "Para-pluie ?" He asked, unsure of his pronunciation. "You'll need to work on this word. Parapluie is the Fontainian word for Umbrella." She proudly said.

"Oh, I see, I'll ask for one, be right back." Y/N said as he re-entered the Palais, leaving Furina alone at the entrance.

She couldn't help herself to think about the kind man that Y/N was. Worrying about the people of Fontaine even if he wasn't a Fontainian in the first place. Worrying about Furina's problems even if they knew each other for two weeks. 

As Furina lived for more than 500 years, two weeks was just like an hour for the fallen man. But then, she couldn't forget about the warmth of Y/N's words as she cried in his arms. And the feeling of alleviation she felt after her crying episode.

'It felt ... great.' She thought as she tugged her left sleeve with her right hand. As someone who always considered herself alone, having Y/N in her life was truly a blessing from the Gods for her. 

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