Chapter 17

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Y/N looked around him as he walked towards his home. This suffocating presence didn't leave. He started to walk faster and faster as he felt that the presence started to become too heavy for his brain.

He felt his sweat dropping from his forehead into his eyes and the bridge of his nose. He felt horrified by that said-presence.

As if it was made to put Y/N in a stupor of terror. He decided to rush at his home as he already felt physically and mentally tired.

He opened and closed the door behind him forcefully as he panted. His back made contact with the wall as he let himself slide downwards. He panted heavily but he managed to control his breath. He wiped the sweat off of his forehead as he remembered something. 

"Are you alright ?" Furina's words brought him back into the world. She was slightly worried as her lover was looking like he was hunted. "Y-Yeah, don't worry. Just some ... mental business." He said, sighing and putting himself up on his feet. "Tell me about it." Furina kindly said as she looked at Y/N's eyes. 

Silently, they made their way towards the couch as they both sat down.

Y/N, once again, sighed to himself as he needed to tell what happened to him just moments ago.

"There's ... something else out in Fontaine. I felt it while coming here. I don't know who or what it is... But it's powerful." He said as his voice trembled a bit, still having a bit of fear inside his soul.

"Maybe it is not a dangerous thing, maybe it's just your sensibility from your awakening that makes you feel that." Furina said, Y/N looked at her sweet smile and smiled at his turn.

'Maybe, I hope she's right.' Y/N thought, but nodded at Furina as he effortlessly stole a kiss from her.

"Thanks, Chérie." Y/N said as he felt more relaxed. Furina just scoffed a bit and smiled to herself. "I do appreciate the fact that you aren't shy about showing your weaknesses." Furina said, even if she was smiling, her tone didn't match her expression.

Y/N interpreted this as a serious topic incoming, and so, he sat more comfortably on the couch and brought her head to his shoulder.

"Then, please, tell me about yours." Y/N said gently as he slowly caressed her hairs.

'Don't run away now.' Furina thought as she nodded mentally. She said to herself that he needed to know the truth.

Him, of all people, was the only one that saw Furina in her 'true' state of mind. One of self-doubt, always worrying, and without the mask.

"Please, don't run away from me after this." Furina desperately said as she hugged Y/N. He didn't hug back as he only sighed. "You didn't leave me after that night, why would I run away ?" He rhetorically asked. 

After some deep, but silent breaths, Furina decided to talk about her past.

Y/N was stunned to say the least. 

Furina was the 'Hydro Archon', but only publicly as her 'mirror duplicate' told her about that mission.

A mission where Furina needed to play her role perfectly, without a flaw for 500 years. Forced to be someone else, forced to have a much greater role that she anticipated. 

Y/N put the pieces together, that's why she doubted herself, that's why she told him to don't run away. 

Because more that 182 500 days passed where Furina was Foçalors. Because each day only put Furina a bit more at the edge of her mental state. Because only the slightest error in her acting could just ruin the country she loved. 

All of that burden put on a single, normal human being. 

Of course the poor girl was at her limit when the Traveler showed the world her then-flawless acting. 

Y/N didn't hold any resentment against the Traveler, after all, he did what was right in his mind. And at the end, the Traveled even freed Fontaine from the hellish prophecy, even freeing Furina from her personal hell.

The only being that Y/N could fell anger from, was the real Archon, who killed herself in an act of revenge against the He██e██y P██inc██le. 

'What was that ?' Y/N thought, as his thought was far from what Furina told him. What was the █eav██ly Pri██ipl█ ?

And why his thoughts was hidden behind a thick veil, blocking more things ?

Even more, why did he think about the conversation he had with Neuvillette before ?

His brain was plagued by thoughts that weren't his to begin with. The infamous headache stroke him as he tried to place his focus on the woman who just revealed her traumatic past to him.

But he didn't have anything to say, he knew about her sufferings, but he couldn't think of one word for her.

He managed to hug her, as he could only think about that. And then he could mutter a word.

"I'm sorry for what you've been through. I can't think of how much it pained you. But it's over now, you can be yourself." He said, his vermin-like thoughts leaving bit by bit. Furina hugged him back as she softly cried in his arms. 

"It was so hard. So painful, so dreadful. I couldn't think of anything stopping the Great Flood..." Furina trailed off as she cried more tears. 

Furina was finally letting all of her past pain out. 

And she couldn't be more thankful that it was Y/N who was the one helping her.

As Furina cried into Y/N's arms for several moments, the Sun began to descend as it let the Moon rise. As he looked at his window, he thought of something.

"Hey, since we both had rough moments, how about you staying here for the night ?" Y/N gently asked Furina, who lifted her head from Y/N's torso. His words was well-heard by the heterochromatic girl, but the blush she had took several long seconds to be shown.

"I-I know we are a couple, but i-isn't it too soon ?" Furina said timidly, already making scenarios in her head. "I just want to be close to you, if you think that's too fast..." Y/N trailed off, letting Furina think of a response for his question. 

"I don't want to put you into an uncomfortable mood or anythi-"  "Please let me stay then." Y/N started to talk but Furina cut him off. "Are you sure ?" Y/N asked, but Furina nodded eagerly. "Only because I trust you, and I know that you won't be doing some graceless things." Furina said, slightly covering her bust with her right arm.

Y/N blushed a bit and scratched his cheek. "Of course, I want to take my time as well." He said as, just like Furina, imagined scenarios in his mind. 

"Then, I have nothing to be afraid of." Furina said with a beaming smile. Then Y/N couldn't resist the urge to kiss her. "I hope that isn't a graceless act." Y/N said, smiling playfully as Furina giggled.

"I'm not sure, care to repeat your actions ?" Furina asked, faking an ignorant expression.

The worries that Y/N had were quickly put on hold as he spend the night talking, joking and cuddling with his girlfriend.

They both needed that sweet night. 

A/N : Sorry for the lack of updates, preparations of the festivities are cool but irritating at the same time. That said, merry Christmas, I hope y'all have a great time, may you eat like you never ate before. See you guys next chapter !

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