Chapter 16

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As the conversation died down, Y/N took it as a sign to stand up. He walked a bit around the room as if he tested his body. He tried to move his arms around and found that it was hurting him. As well as quick head movements. He grunted as he felt his muscles being stressed on.

"I'll need to have a good rest this night." He mumbled at himself as he quickly threw a look at Neuvillette. He felt something from the Iudex. Something powerful, something that could crush him in seconds. But it was something his brain instinctively knew how to deal with.

But, he couldn't see the reason why he hated it so much.

Y/N took a deep breath as he looked through the window. The Moon was rising yet again.

"I fear that we'll need to go, still got a few commissions I didn't do." Aether said as he started to walk towards the office's door. Y/N and Neuvillette nodded towards him and his floating companion as Furina waved at them.

Once the Traveler and his friend left, the tension in the room started to rise almost instantly as Y/N and Neuvillette just looked at each other without saying a word.

"O-Okay, I will go too. Y/N, could I wait for you in your house ?" Furina asked, making Y/N nod. "Sure, let me give you the key." He said, starting to pat his pants' pockets. "How the key stayed there ?" Y/N said to himself as he brought out the kay and handed it to Furina. "Alright, see you soon Y/N. Good night, Neuvillette." Furina said as he, too, exited the office.

Once she exited the office, Y/N sighed and strongly eyed Neuvillette, who did the same.

"Care to tell me what are you ?" Neuvillette said, with a bit of venom in his voice. "Then, care to tell me why you sound and look like you will end me ?" Y/N immediately responded, with the same amount of venom.

The tension was rising by the second. Both of them looking as deadly as one could comprehend. Then, Y/N just sat on the couch.

"Is that my power ?" He said, making Neuvillette stand up and sat on the couch before Y/N's eyes. 

"Yes, indeed. Your power is not something I felt from you since I healed you, one month ago." Neuvillette stated. Neuvillette sighed, and calmed himself down as he saw Y/N's expression. 

He was as lost as Neuvillette.

"This power ... It came when the thing seemingly killed me. After I took that punch, I felt instantly colder, my strength was leaving me and all of my senses were dulled." Y/N explained, making Neuvillette curious and focused.

"Then, for whatever reason, I shot my eyes open, and I only saw Aether's body and Furina's leg in a bad shape." He said, putting his hands together. "Then, as if it was a astral message, anger came to me. It was blinding me, the only thing I could think of was to kill that thing." Y/N continued.

"That thing made a cannon with his arms, aiming it at Furina. I instinctively jumped between them and blocked the shot." He said as his hands trembled in each other's embrace. "I dashed to it, striking it, but my blows were ineffective. Then it, once again, stroke me hard. Making me crush in a pillar." He said as his trembles stopped. His mouth formed a slight slime as it remembered this feeling.

"Instead of sustaining injuries, they were healed almost instantly. Then I felt how this power worked. So, I lost myself into the glee and hysteria of that power." He finished, as he let down his smile.

"It seems like your power coming back to you did not made you remember your past." Neuvillette stated as he calmly collected the news. "But, it also makes me see things that I didn't see before." Y/N followed right after, to which the Iudex raised an eyebrow.

"... You're not human either, are you ?" Y/N said, looking right in the eyes of his friend and superior. 

And for the first time since his ascension from true godhood, Neuvillette didn't see this coming.

Humans aren't made to understand things outside of their realm. So how, Y/N, a human, could perceive Neuvillette's Authority ?

'Either...' Neuvillette thought of Y/N's words. It was true. Neuvillette could see plainly Y/N's aura. And it wasn't human, or at least, it was but in a long, forgotten past.

"Are you a God ?" Y/N asked, still looking at Neuvillette intensely. 

For Neuvillette, Y/N's statement was based on how the man saw the Iudex.

For Y/N, something in his brain just told him that he was a god-like entity. And it started to scream at him, screaming that he shouldn't be trusted.

"I am something that came before the known Gods. At least, my first iteration was. I am the second Hydro Sovereign." Neuvillette bluntly said as he nodded. 

Then, Y/N's head was pierced by a headache, the strongest one he received yet. But for once, the headache came with something more.

Y/N could see himself, witnessing a being stronger than anything he could think of. He could remember the sheer power gushing out from the being with it doing anything.

"Are you alright ?" Neuvillette asked, confused by the winces and the grunts as Y/N held his head. 

After a few minutes, the pain stopped as Y/N looked at Neuvillette.

"Yeah, it's good now. I think I remember something ... Someone strong, too strong. Their mere presence made me wanna crumble." Y/N said, confused and concerned.

If that being were to come at Fontaine, nothing could stop them.

"Let you body calm, we will talk about that tomorrow, if you will." Neuvillette said as he brought his right hand on his friend shoulder. "Whatever you are, or you were. We will find the truth." He said as he let the corners of his mouth move slight upwards. 

"Thanks, Neuvillette. If I remember something more, I'll be sure to let you know." Y/N said as he got up and walked towards the office's door. "Have a good rest, Y/N." Y/N heard Neuvillette said as he looked at him. 

"You too." Y/N only said as he nodded to the Iudex, before opening the door and leaving the office.

But as he made his way towards his house, he left a new presence around him.

Powerful, almost suffocating. Y/N could help to look around, only to see nothing alarming.

He sighed as he threw the blame of the stress his body felt.

But deep down, he knew.

Something was out there, yet again.

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